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Unknown's tales
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Untitled* (comment me a title)

The ink of my words in my book are fading to were they can't be read no more.
The warmth of my soul has left me and left me cold.
The Earth and Sun I've lived to love seems to be melting and all at the same time, falling apart.
My passion and since of loyalty for music is becoming just somthing I think of every now-and-again.
The sound of me singing and his voice along with mine seems to be growing mute.
The sight of his face and the Sun-kiss glow in his hair and eyes are fading from me.
The greatness of my happiness is leaving me vastly into depression.
The bright and vivid colors I remember are tinting into black and white.
It looks as if I've closed my eyes, everythings black, dark, hallow.
I havn't closed my eyes.
It seems as if everything has suddenly gone mute to me.
I am now deaf as well as blind.
I try to scream for help. I'm scared. I'm alone now.
No one can hear me for I have became mute.
Am I dieing?
I can't be..I won't! I will not be a walking corpse and dead inside and out!
I don't want to be a victim of death.
I fight to live.
I open my eyes as my hearing comes back to me of the sound of his voice telling me to wake up.
The feel of his hand in mine is warm.
I am no longer cold.
I am alive.
Alive, for him.
Unknown "Haylee" Tired - 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago

Our Last?

I show strongness and I try my best to hold myself together but I can't bear to contain one of my worst fears.

I break down and begin to let go of all my held in tears.

I try not to think of you as much but that never seems to work

Having so much love for you and not being able to hold you amkes me feel even worse.

I feel like this is all a depressionish curse.

I miss your eyes, I miss your smile, your touch, your voice and your lips like morphine type kiss.

I miss the wholness I feel while I'm with you.

I feel so empty without you.

You've disappeared away from me like the wind, a sudden bliss.

And if they take you away permanetly It'll be like death after life.

I'll hope and pray that they'll bring you back.

And I'll wish for that to have not been our last hug or kiss...

Unknown "Haylee" Tired - 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
So Loaded so fucked up.
I'm so loaded and high.
This might sound like a druggy type thing.
But its not.
But I am addicted.
Addicted to one very special guy.
And I'm talking to him now.
Hes making me feel enlightened and wanting to make me fly.
I feel so high.
And I am.
Off him.
Off my addiction.
My one and only drug.
That same very special guy
Unknown "Haylee" Tired - 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
All Sick Fucks Need to Die

One by one they feast on there prey
One by one they get off day after day
One by one I'll hunt them down
One by one I'd burry them deep into the ground

One by one I'll scare them cold
Kill them all...they'll never get to grow old
One by one I help everyone get there revenge
One by one I'll make them quit along the way

Hopefully everybody always will agree and take my side
When One by one I pull them apart
One by one I shall let them see what its like
One by one I will kill them by riping out their heart

After then I'll have spoken my point
That all sick fucks need to die!

Unknown "Haylee" Tired - 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
In Hell

If I died tomorrow would you cry then? Or would you wait to sob your sorrow's? If you known me like I wanted you to I'd probrably be happy now, and not beging for what I want deeply from you. You don't know, give anything for me and always talk about, so why can't you say you don't love me at least like your dieing to. Just for me to get out of your precious life! Let me go free and let yourself go to somone else. Let them figure out you're only good to talk to when your out of your mind, let them look in the mirror and cry because they see the scars of abused love, let them feel the way I don't want to feel anymore. Let them know what your so-called love is. Let them deal with the pain, sorrow, yellin, hitting, arguing, and see what its like and know what its like to be in Hell.

Unknown "Haylee" Tired - 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
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Thank you!
Unknown "Sexellence" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
hey yo pretty girl =)
Unknown "my first pet" Hungry - 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
Why thank you, Love!
I LOVE your pics!
Very beautiful!
Unknown "Boomstick" Ecstatic - 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
yeah i think anyway! everytime you do it the person you thumbed gets point. And thats pretty random but no xD
Unknown "♥rOnNiE " Emo - 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
Aw. Thanks. :D
Unknown "Mah Baby Ali" Hurt - 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
hey, what's up?
Unknown "sexy bass man.." Ecstatic - 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
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