- 15 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
nice! Marine bio does sound cool =D
Since it's been a bit, how are classes going??
As for me, i find my classes interesting, but i'm about the only one in my group of friends who seems to think so =P
in any case, my lineup is this: Phonetics, government and binding theory (syntax), Computer organization, object oriented programming and design, and the second semester of japanese =)
- 16 years, 8 months, 2 days ago
Haha, hoooollly crap, totally went out of the solar system there. I am so sorry =__=
WELL!! I know it's, like, three months past due, but how did Anything Goes... go?? Have you been auditioning anywhere else since?
As for ice cream, well, i have to say cookie dough, so i probably wouldn't have minded being in your group =P
Yeah, a loooong time ago when i was a sophomore in high school we made ice cream in science. I remember rolling the little container up and down the hallway and trying to play soccer with it. We weren't prepared enough to do anything fancy with it like you guys did, though =P. I can't believe how long ago that was. That makes me feel so old =__=
ah well, time goes on =)
And... um... herm... if you're still up for answering my random questions, here's another, though i wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to, seeing as i kinda blew away with the wind for three months x__x
If you could have a futuristic kind of technology, what would you want it to be? (Such as a ray gun, hover car, or pretty much anything else you can think of that you might have seen in a sci-fi movie) why, and what would you do with it? =)