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I give hope and inspiration to all humanity. Stop living unstisfactory material lives and turn to the essentials. The more you want, the less you will get. and tha less you get, the more attched you will become to '' material '' and the more attached you get to it, the more you will want! You will always be unhapy and keep wanting more, focusing on what you lack instead of the plenty that you already have... That is the wat of Ego and eternal dimness of the soul... The less you want, though, and the more generous you become towards others by doing selfless acts of uninterested help and wanting nothing in return, the more you will attract to you, for the people that comes in contact with you and your field of enrgy, will want to go out of their way to attain your goals! that , my dear friends, is the way of Spirit. And to live in-Spirit is to try to resemble God and his force of creation as best you can so you can live in complete harmony with the universe wich has created you... On that path lies, the end of wars, sickness, poverty, slavery, abuse, prejudice, selfishness, hate, fear, doubt, adversity, anguish, pain, lack, self-pity... On that path lies complete harmony and enlightenment in HIS divine light.
Unknown Serene - 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
All the great deeds that I have accomplished
All the stories that I have written
All the lyrics written and melodies composed
All the people that I serve around the world when at work
It ins not I, but the Lord almighty who acts through my mortal flesh...
For after all we are all spirits having the human experience...
I now let my life be guided by the sweet sound of the angels's song
And know that My destiny as found me!
Thank you all, I am forever grateful for all of you to be there
And share the human experience with me on our beloved earth
The sweetness and beauty of your spirits
Forever enlightens my heart and soul.
Unknown Serene - 16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
Today I feel content and serene, I feel complete and in harmony with the Universe in wich we live...

I soar high on the winds of destiny, with my golden wings of undestructible faith, above, doubt, fear, adversity, sadness, sorrow and darkness, I rise towards eternal glory and live in undying health, love, peace, plenty, joy and happiness...

I am my own source of self healing, my own strenhght of will to attain utter succes, and I make my own path towards victory

Know that I do this not out of pretense, but I do it in totally humble and grateful towards all the good that comes to me in this life ans I greatly encourage you all to find your inner power and make life, the simple and happy thing that it should always be

Thank you almighty Univers, source of all life and creation, for I am fulfilled, through you, as your eternal and infinit servant!

Unknown Serene - 16 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
I am strenght
I am endurance
I am wisdom
I am beauty
! am joy
I am peace
I am infinity and eternity
I am thenm now and always will be
I am the light and power of the Universe
I am the path to utter victory and eternal glory
that you will take
I am gratitude and thankfulness
I am Humility and modesty
For all the marvelous things tha I am!

Unknown Serene - 16 years, 5 months, 2 days ago
Le pouvoir de l'intention est est omniscient, omniprésent, il est partout.
Ayez peur de vos pensées négatives, car elles se manifesteront très facilement
Puisqu'elle sont nouries par un champ d'énergie inférieur.

Élevez vous a des niveaux d'énergie légendaires et pensez positif, car elles se manifesront aussi, ces pensées... mais plus difficliement, car elles opèrent dans un champ d'énegie supérieure

Osez plonger dans l'incoonu et vous dénuder de tout doute, car des grands accomplissements vous attendent. Liberez votre potentiel cérateur et suivez vos poussées d'inspiration, tout ça ne peut menez qu'a la grandeur d'Esprit ultime.
Unknown Serene - 16 years, 5 months, 8 days ago
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You have been given The Phoenix.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown " amazing" Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
Same here friend!! This gift is too cute...I counldn't resist.
You have been given Thanks for being my friend..
Crafted by Lauri Deschain
Unknown " amazing" Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 14 days ago

You have been given Divine Moments of Truth....
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown " amazing" Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
You have been given Snowflake.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown " amazing" Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 15 days ago

You have been given Sundays.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown " amazing" Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
It'd still be nice join you for a .....
You have been given night out at a concert.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown " amazing" Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
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