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"John's love"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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1536 pts

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Unknown's tales

Who is that child?
What is that ugly thing?
Why is she crying?
Why is she screaming?
Who will slay her
And end her misery?
Who is that ugly child?
Is it true? can it be?
Is that child really me?

A poem written and copywrited by Sam Letain
Unknown "John's love" - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago

I can feel it there
It itches, it burns
But I like the pain
I enjoy every minute

The screams, the sting,
The blood sweat and tears,
They all fall together
And make beauty appear

When the shrieks go silent
As I lay there in pain
I chuckle, I smile
"This won't be the last"

A poem written and copywrited by Sam Letain

Unknown "John's love" - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
once upon a time, a girl named spam tumbled into halloween town. she walked around for a bit, and came across sally. sally was just about 2 preach about a premonition when spam stabbed her and burnt all her stuffing. soon after, she met jack skellington and they fell inlove and got married and totally forgot about sally the slut. the end!!!!

a story by sam letain
Unknown "John's love" - 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago

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hahaha arguments on the net r always the funnest haha but then they get boring so then i move on looking for someone else 2 argue with haha the world shall never rest till every 1 has had an internet argument by the sam mwahahah cuz my word is law lmfao long story...
Unknown "John's love" - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
lmfao you two really as my muma always says " if you cant say any thing nice dont say anything at all" lol and my muma is always right. well she thinks so lol.
Unknown "My monkey" Frisky - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
I thought since you were allowed to make wacked out assumptions, i thought id try my own. But, lets recall who REALLY over reacted here. Easy question. Also, you think this bugs me? I find this whole concept hilarious. Wouldnt you? Boy buys pet, girl freaks out and buys back. Boy rebuys pet AS A JOKE and girl flips out once again. Boy, stops buying her and girl tries to start shit. Thats hilarious! Although, i SUPPOSE your not all to blame
Unknown - 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
ooooo threats. Your a big girl, i mean your FUCKING HUGE. why dont you try losing some weight? Now, you call me emo YET you do not know anything about me. I find that rather humorous. So fine, you want to beat the shit out of me? I dont hit igrls, but i make exceptions for hermaphro's. I dont approve of fighting, but i seriously doubt you could cause me any real damage anyway? So why dont you drop this like i asked you earlier? I mean being an attention craving whore is fine to a point, but when it starts on facebook, scratch that, facebook sub communities well, than i think you have a problem.
Unknown - 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
whatever you say gothika. Boy, i wish i could see you in person to make you eat your words. Man, my arms AND legs are so fresh and clean. I dont think ive ever seen a razor blade scar there. You probably wouldnt either, considering i doubt you shave your legs ever, that is, assuming your a female? i cant tell
Unknown - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Because you know,, being goth is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool because its SOOOOOOOOOOO dark. Get off my case already A.K.A dont reply or ill keep buying your sister and report you(Isnt that SOOOOOOOO scary!)
Unknown - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
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