The castle armywas caught totally off guard, and was easily overcome. They headed for the center of the huge castle, seeing the dragon in the corner of their eyes spitting huges balls of fire at the enemy. The king had half the army as his guards, as he was supposed to be no fool. There was a huge battle in front of the kings quarters, and the guards stalled the rebels long enough for him to sneak out the back. He had just made it out the castle doors when he was suddenly picked up by the dragon and hauled back to the castle. BronzeDragon then dropped him on the groun in front of the angry mob. Later that night, the villagers had tooken totall control of the castle, and were raiding the castle dinning room, eating all they could, as the new reinforcements for the once king was on its way.
They slept soundly that night, haveing several guards at each point on the towers, looking for invasions to come by neighboring cities. The rebell leader, Shawn, had tooken the precaution of havin a huge circle around the castle soaked with gas, and then set up several ballistas on the towers that could launch a flaming rod into the area and have lit a wall of fire for protetcion. No forces came to attack the villagers at the castle that night, allthough someone thought they saw several Knights off in the distance, but he said it could have been a couple of deer or antilope, allthough he wasn't sure of it.
The next morning, several scout parties were sent out to search for coming invasions, but they (happily) did not.
The people that were still at the castle searched it for weapons and shields, and they found a great amount down in the armory. BronzeDragon helped with the search, and found no sign of trouble, allthough he did eat a few sheep on the way back.
The next day, all the village people of Picksel gathered up their things to move to the castle, because there was ample space, the dragon could also sleep in the castle, but not in any room, so had to sleep outside the castle. That morning, BronzeDragon swept through the valley for fun, when he saw the neighboring cities army preparing itself for war. BronzeDragon guessed that this war would be with him and the village, so he cautiously flew back to the castle.
He informed the people that would lead the villagers that the enemy was possibly coming, and to prepare for an attack. That instant eveyone was woken up to get suited in their armor and to load the ballistas. BronzeDragon crouched down beside the castle and turned the color of stone for camoflauge, which worked very well against the unsuspecting.
He spotted the small group of scouts coming his way, and sat quietly. He waited for them to come closer, so he could toaste them with his mighty fireballs.
As they came closer, BronzeDragon drew in his breath, and spewed possibly the largest fireball he ever has spit. It hit right next to the scouts, catching their clothing on fire and making them jump into the nearby pond. Shawn led out a few men to capture the burning people and throw them into the dungeon. There was not any word of any other parties of anything, so they were all cautious about where they went.
The next day came a pitiful attack from th neighboring kingdom, about 7 Knights alltogether. I guess they thought we were stupid:). They were also easily toasted and killed by archers, so all was quiet for the rest of the day.
The next day came another small attack party, of about 6 knights and 4-5 archers. The were poorly trained, and their marsmenship was also poor. They were easily picked off, even though BronzeDragon was out eating. When BronzeDragon came back, he discovered the citizens of Picksel celebrating another fought off attack.
The village of Picksel needed more troops, and many young adventurers signed up to be heroic and fight for their freedom. They practiced shooting bows@arrows until they were quite good. They also practiced fighting against eachother to practice new techniqes and weapons.
Unknown "billy !" Feisty
- 17 years, 2 months, 20 days ago