Emmaus Communities enable people to move on from homelessness, providing work and a home in a supportive, family environment. Companions, as residents are known, work full time collecting renovating and reselling donated furniture. This work supports the Community financially and enables residents to develop skills and rebuild their self-respect.
Companions receive accommodation, food, clothing and a small weekly allowance, but for many, the greatest benefit is a fresh start. To join a Community, they sign off unemployment benefits and agree to participate in the life and work of the Community and abide by its rules, for example not bringing drugs or alcohol into the Community.
Emmaus is a secular movement, spanning more than 40 countries, with 14 Communities in the UK. Each Community aims to become self-supporting, with any surplus donated to others in need.
Unknown "My Pixie 2" Bold
- 17 years, 2 months, 17 days ago