Well, i gues i should say something about myself.......I want to be a model, im enrolling in modelling school when i have the time ^^, ive gotten a few offers but its out of my country Xp but hey. I like to draw, i love to sing, and i dont think im a bad singer, but i sing through my nose....gotta work on that. I wanted to be a phsyciatrist when i was little, but all that schooling-i just dont have the money.
im gonna get into giselles, and modelling, and hairstyling- il be a temp, itl be fun....il just marry a rich dude XD gah now i sound like gold digger Xp ew.... well anywho i love to help people and make friends
Unknown "~Spunky~" Hopeless
- 17 years, 2 days ago