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Debi | - Free online hangout and friends
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Debi , 45/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:26 AM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
Location: United Kingdom

About me:
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Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): S.P.C.H.P
Debi's tales
I have a tale to tell and its all about me, I came here a long time ago and I guess I'm 33. What have I been doing all this time on planet earth, well I will tell you as I go, starting from today back to my birth. Though I live in England I'm not settled and have itchy feet, eager to see the surroundings and talk to the people that I meet. I know this planet's beauty like a postcard or picture in a book but reading between the lines I need to take another look. So begins my journey of everything I know and if you tune in tomorrow you can read about the Alienfunk Show!
So I've heard the one about taking each day as it comes and live life to the full, and I certainly can't complain because my life has been far from dull. But this in itself can be a nightmare to uphold, trying something new requires being bold. Conquering your fears which we all must do, from the spider in the bath to getting to know the real inner you. A scary prospect for most us and one which will never end, one which we can go it alone or better still, with a friend.

On the days that the sun shines through your window, step in to the outdoors and breath as though you are taking your last breathe. Inhale the smell of the happy air as it moves across your face and lifts the corners of your mouth until you smile the biggest smile you have ever given. Listen to your world, the birds singing every sentence they speak, the cars and their drivers rushing about their days to make a buck or two. The branches of the tall, tall trees, swaying to the music in your head. Focus on every cloud that passes you by and make a mental note of its artistic form and remember days like this for they are beautiful.

Walk through the corridor of life with your head held high. Take time out to enjoy and appreciate what mother nature created, for when we die we cannot take the things we buy, but our memories are ours for keeps. Always look, keep looking, absorb your surroundings and memorise what you see, what you smell, what you taste, what you hear and what you feel and always remember the exhilaration of life.

Do we spend our whole lives looking? Or is it when we stop looking that we find it? Or does it find us? Are we all meant to find it? Or are some of us destined never to find it but find something else instead? Do we only ever find it once, truly?

My eyes are peeled and my nose is pressed against the cold glass of the window, why, I'm waiting for the first snow to fall. The very first snowflake, big, fluffy and heavy, making its way in to my world. I want to see the clean, crisp, blanket of white beauty all around me. The first foot prints from my feet as I step outside and breath the fresh, cold air in to my lungs for the first time today.
Debi "Charlene" Ecstatic - 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago

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Debi "Charlene" Ecstatic - 15 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
Moody Jay
Thanks for the pettin babe xx
You have been given yay me!!.
Crafted by Moody Jay
Moody Jay ...Psycho... - 16 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
Hi Debi !!!
How are you today?
Thanks for all the luck...since the last time we talk, my team won 1 time and thats good for me !!!
What about the numbers?...I dont think that we have some good luck there...hahaha...
Whats your plan for the weekend?
I hope you're ok, happy and healty !!!!!!
Take care Debi !!
Unknown "cariño" Sparkling - 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago

You have been given Good Luck.
Crafted by Unknown
Debi "Charlene" Ecstatic - 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
Hola Debi !!
i'm happy because you feel better !!!
and yeah, really sucks when your team lose but i'm going to be ok... =)
lottery numbers !!!!
41 - 18 - 5 - 16 - 34 - 8
I hope you win !!!
Unknown "cariño" Sparkling - 16 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
Good Morning Debi !!!
Do you feel better today? I hate the flu...
And good luck about your school thing !! buy a lottery ticket or something to speed things out =)
Last weekend we had a very important soccer game in my city...and my team, was a sad saturday night and a worst sunday morning, but i'm ok now... =)
I hpe you get some fun the next weekend with your old brother and your young nephew !!! I don't have a plan for the weekend, but we will see...
Take care and smile Debi !!!!
Unknown "cariño" Sparkling - 16 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
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Alienfunk Designs


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