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I’ve noticed that the decorum in this egalitarian society we try to live in is all a façade; we live a lie and are taught that it is acceptable, almost mandatory. We ingrain vague symbols, a few words, some sound effects, or even music, into our daily mantras to make this monster even worse. We even modify these mantras to fit the period so the meanings behind these omnium-gatherums are washed away in the mishmash of history. Instead of using many words and floury terms to express most fully, these views and conditioned insights, the most influential and easily accessible points are usually declared by one single word, a powerful word that lacks ambiguity as most adjectives do. Or, rather, we do add some ambiguity in the mix to get the person drawn in by making them think about what the term means in relation to the product, thus, getting the advertisement stuck in their subconscious in a more progressive way. The more commercials, the lazier we get, the more we watch, the more we rot… I don’t know, it’s something to work on. If we wanted to know what underwear is on the market, should we have to watch television for hours when we will find it on the racks when we go to the store to buy that fantastic new movie or whatever else is pounded into our brains eighty times a day? Nothing pains me more, when it comes to the entertainment giants, than the disintegration of morals and substitution of whimsical ideology by producing “Capitol Ideas” based solely off popular culture and convenience. If anything, it is the most convenient way to destroy the future. We can’t go on living like this, we should deprecate network television and demand the right to think for ourselves. After all, if we are instructed to be anything but responsible for our own actions and thoughts, this impending doom we are aware of is being handed to us by a no holds barred aristocracy, and we are too fucking stupid to do anything about it. Turn off the telly and check out the world outside the windows. Get back in touch with the natural vibrations instead of the synthetic ones, I mean really; the televisiondisable= bug zapper.

I recently pitched a bullshit show idea to one of these networks, and for the sake of my own reputation and future goals, I will not reveal which one. The idea was one of those ridiculous mockeries we usually come up with to express what to expect to see next season. Guy falls in love, girl loves some one else, you know, the usual, with the popular cat and mouse workplace atmosphere, this one based in a bowling alley with similar plots from one of my favorite shows, It‘s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The poor souls asked me when I can send them the scripts and stuff. Just off the concept! They obviously know what America needs to have streamed to them through the tube, so I sent them five PDF copies of the Principia Discordia and deleted them from my contacts.

Hail Eris.
Unknown "★Cooter!★" Carefree - 16 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
How my day went...

The hour is gone an hour has passed,
Gone within the hour of my deepest slumber,
The chimes rang quietly or not at all!
The Sun has risen three times at last!
But the chimes, they did not wake me.
Instead tied into a whirling dream,
An hour has gone but at the hour,
This dream had only begun to play.
I do not wish to rise today by chimes,
Nor have I wished to stay unaware,
I care not for this tardy alarm today,
If so, I would have not dreamt my day.
Ever flowing wind at play takes my boredom,
Guiding me to dream the day without care.
My sanctuary, my forest only 9 blocks away,
12 today, no shortcuts, direction, or motives.
I’ve met a friend, two old, and three new,
Who’s to say we can’t dream every day?
Otherwise drifting with chimes and agendas,
The world becomes lonely to the quiet walker,
Could be a stalker, so well withdrawn and masked,
Or just another guy, you should have asked him.
But no, this day was a dream, blissfully naïve,
Walking meditation and sifting through soil,
I smelled the breeze who said to me with music,
Nothing at all that words can say but felt inside.
Even on a park bench, playing squirrels say “Hi”
The journey back to my studio and home removed,
Tap dancing drumbeat sonatas beneath my feet,
Crunching, marching in sevens to my heartbeat,
Back up the stairs, the tempo drops, mask back on,
Smile fades to anger and entrapment in walls.
Windows yes, the holes in this tomb bring light,
Home sweet sensory deprivation chamber…
Though this is where I am trapped in my head,
Strapped in bed dreaming up enchantments,
Technological rubbish for all enhancements,
Thinking of worlds only dreamt in walls this thin,
When the world acting alone, there is no Self,
Without agendas, we care not for responsibility,
Stupidity even extracts itself, natural selection.
And don’t get me started on elections for authority,
It’s pointless, so clear your schedule and live free.

So, these just came to me when I logged on today. I don't really care if it makes since to anyone or not, it's just me venting and just being me.

Unknown "★Cooter!★" Carefree - 16 years, 4 months, 8 days ago

I found a mirror in the back of my mind.
It speaks false things that when put together,
Entomb spheres that tears are left to tether,
Intertwined silver chords still seek to find,
A common ground between this world and mine.

Should it rest, be lest forgotten or shattered?
Shall I fight it? Hide inside it? Try to shine?
Show the planet this unscented world of mine?
If it dies with me, would it have even mattered?
Will the chords intone and leave my wings tattered?

Troy L. Coots
Unknown "★Cooter!★" Carefree - 16 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
The darkness sprays walls thin and the edge is lost somewhere back there, beyond the abyss but not out of sight, we can still hear it knocking, pulsating, growing, weaving its fingers in and out of the hairs on the back of the neck, plucking ever so softly, as if to let us know it is there, but still wishes to be unattainable even by the purifying waters that boil to the surface every once in a great while to remind us of its presence when it is the essence that we should really pay attention to.
Troy L. Coots, just a few moments ago.
Unknown "★Cooter!★" Carefree - 16 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
Smoking With The Fay

When I found myself in the city,
The walls beneath my feet, they fell.
Astonishing to think this thing so simple.
Wish me Will, but dread the thought,
The simplest things get lost in hell.

These city walls with laws outrageous!
Pierce my sides with lashing tongues,
How dare they try to encourage us!
And stomp us down into the C horizon?
We don’t belong or exist in separation,
We hesitate until our time runs out.
In the end, they’ll see, that peace may be
Offered into hands that are not devout!
Inside this labyrinth at the belly of my Fear,
Amidst the diversely separated I’ve found,
On the bottom of this barrel and onto the next,
I am decaying, yes, maybe yes, I am dying,
And shall continue to dive within the Earth,
Only to find the solidity overwhelming.

Cast me out in stones denied!
Send me back into the trees!
They respond with great songs,
But they are no different than me.

At last I find myself at home!
At last I can unclench my fists!
My old friends, welcome me back!
Your symphony is horribly missed!
What’s this what why no Fay?
Surely it hasn’t been too long,
Even in fog they come out to play
I’m back! I’m back home at last!
Where have you gone and why?
Am I no longer pure or sober?
Could vivid memories be a lie?
No, surly you hide from me.
I still remember your letter!
The trees are shy but always honest,
A tick on my neck greets me better.
Forgive my intrusion, I bid you fair well,
To Hell with you all to be lost when needed,
And to me as well, for getting so soiled.
Occasionally we too need to be weeded.

My favorite spot, my secret holy ground,
The circle still spinning and calling.
That faint suggestion echoes in my dreams,
Letting me know why I keep falling.
Without my other half, my life is drained,
It feels like emptiness when you’re inside.
Inside the circle I left, I reentered standing up,
Outside I always remembered, outside I cried.
Knees deep in the mud, it’s there, my Fear,
Eying me down with a wet weathered brow.
This was my old escape, still hidden today,
It is here, the Fay’s Gate, I remember now!
Three pats on the ground, focusing my Will
I’m too nervous now and I can’t sit still!
One enters cautiously defending her tribe,
Cautiously whispering, I desperately bribe.
But milk and honey it seems I’ve forgot.
So I opened my pockets and handed her pot
My breath taken as a tear froze at my chin,
These are humble beings that see past sin.
How selfish was I to assume in deed,
All they wanted was a little weed…
Within mortal moments in their embrace,
My circle vanishes without a trace.
Eyes closed and senses heightened
Standing naked but not frightened,
No character armor or insecurities,
Freedom from my eccentricities.
One flash, two, three, four, then five,
They remind me how it feels to be alive.
The time has run short I have to go,
Not to return until after the snow.
When spring comes, so shall my horns,
Then back home to my vines and thorns.
Seasons are too quick to lay to waste,
Winter is near and passes with haste.
Snow on my sleeping trees, give them rest,
Take care of them, they deserve the very best.
When the saplings bud, I shall return,
And while the Beltane bonfires burn,
You will see me again, with milk and honey,
And treasures beyond the worth of money.
Before I leave, please grant me one smile,
The one I haven’t felt for quite a while.
Help me remember to stay healthy,
And without the need to be wealthy.
Drunk with courage my feet do fly,
Back to my dwellings in the city.
Envying the scattered patches of trees,
Farmers tilling soil for the next crop,
Gawking at birds as they flyby so low,
Wondering, wandering, where is my home?
When I get back, where do I go and why?
Lost already with only three miles to go!
The city lights look so lazy, seem so ethereal,
Lingering foggy, hazy pain you can still feel
That is to say, “reality” now, is more surreal,
More complex, inane, virtually insane.
People to people, relying on each other,
Courthouse to steeple, stealing our sky.
We may ask, “who is authority and why?”
To get stones thrown at our fragile naivety,
Neighbors, constant reminders of the Nativity,
Natives even turn their heads and laugh.
They wave and pretend to understand,
Secretly laughing still at their own reflection,
Reacting only to securely hidden perfection,
Each perception reflecting in vacant minds,
Rewinding back to a time rich with honor,
Horror reaching back, tongues still lashing,
Laughing with them inside a green sphere,
Here is my home, but where is Here?
Phantoms fade in and out then sway in the wind,
The raging fires subside in the morning dew,
The Earth beneath me is now above, what now?
My spirit is left in the trees back home,
Stashed away for 12 days till the new year.
At 11:03 on that day and on each to pass,
Every 12 hours, a knock, a haunting despair,
Everywhere at that time at once to Self,
Three drops to catch to prove that I care,
The blinking wonderful eyes of my Elf.
To gaze inside hazel crystals is my bliss.
Lips still to steal or to let be for me is death!
Half of me but no half to share, taken by eyes,
Silly to show pity slowly devolving into infancy,
Faster, faster I run, not to hide, search, or beg,
No, slow I am, too slippery this fish is to stay.

My world doesn’t belong inside my head,
It stands without me below it’s grasp,
Above I march, falling once returning
But once below, my flame stops burning.
It may take a step or two or three,
To remind me why I march onward,
Chasing the sunrise every morning,
As The Fool cries out “You Coward!”
Is it right then, for me to look back?
The half of me standing alone weeping,
Back there where I once gave a damn,
Pleads to keep promises worth keeping.
Acknowledged and ignored, hypocrite!
Stupidity! Stupendous superstitions!
It makes me ill to even think of it.
To be one with a dying half again,
Now there Is something to ponder.
By chance oneness is possible today,
Infinitesimal possibilities to weigh.
Baroque abandoned compassion fleeting,
A wish tomorrow was granted yesterday,
Before the distention distracted meaning,
Today it is more so a leaning chair outside,
Topsoil tapestries elaborate more clearly,
This feeling that eats at my spirit denied!
Freedom! Briefly, anyway, where to?
Free domination, incarcerated, damnation,
Confined again by Earthly cells and terms,
Congratulated for becoming obedient,
After only learning how to use chaos.
Spears and spells mock my intuition.

Fix my bed, shave my head, call me yours,
I am mine, my own mind, me and I so there!
Do you see how easy it is to forget something?
To dance away in this dream of equations?
To dream up equations to explain one thing?
One idea gives birth to another immaculately,
As if to tell us that this can be that and so on.
Think. Thinking, believing stones don’t break.
Imagine, if you Will, a quiet place unmasked,
Virgin footsteps pounding bleakly, awakening,
The other eye winks at a passerby obliviously,
Idioms and synchronicities stretching the nerves,
A flash, dispatching chemicals, realization,
Is this what nirvana is like? What next?
These feet don’t dare to tread those waters.
Murky at best, be lest detested and endured.
Adored by others, not me, I pass it for more.
The Fool, I am. I am a fool for saying so.
Foolish indeed to believe in these things.
Even more so foolish is to even Believe.
So much to undo, too much to be seen,
Scrapings so scathed and pure white,
Think I might even make a call tonight.
Coming out of my shell, resurrection?
Maybe. Who knows but the wise hero?
Where would he be in time of need?
What if? Maybe, he is actually She?
Slithering into my beloved Sergij!
How dare she! But welcome, she is.
Will a book teach me? Will seven?
What lyceum lies beyond that epistle?
Float back in time to another worry,
Save this for scrapbook entry quotes.
In ten years, tell me what you think.
Because my confusion is meandering.
Imagination is there for one wink,
Then gone again, fumbling at return,
Tricky, shifty little nasties pricking,
Adding to the chaos’ impending rise.

The simplest things, indeed, do get lost in Hell.

Troy L. Coots, published 9-23-08
Unknown "★Cooter!★" Carefree - 16 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
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