About me:
I like things...lots and lots and of things. In no particular order...I like stormy nights, music, honey, sunglasses, wild nights out, quiet nights in, Jessica Fletcher, tingley things, my guitar, quizzes, long hot baths, Mojitos, my friends, reclining chairs, the moon, seanfhocails, frolicking, shoes, apples, Electric Picnic..and just gigs and festivals in general, caramex, men in uniform, cozy open fires, being near water, funny Homerisms, good company, cotton bedsheets, my friend Baxter here, crosswords, Dick Van Dyke, colours, the Irish language, frocks, poking things, did I say music?, old folks, Clive Owen, hot hot sunsine, cold crunchy snow, pirates, my bed, LOLcats, people who make me laugh, Juno, percussion instruments, Galway, musicals, Olbas oil..I could go on.