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Faby Sparrow-Cooper | - Free online hangout and friends
Ze Seal
Ze Seal owns this human at 1146019 points.

Weird & Odd

Faby Sparrow-Cooper
"Give Me Rum!"

Faby Sparrow-Cooper, 47/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:57 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Location: Santa Monica United States

"I'm a Pirate/Dork/Rockstar!!!"
About me:
*** PLEASE NOTE: I'm not into cyber sex, so please save your naughty items for someone who cares. Thanks a lot. ***

I'm a positive honest person who loves to travel and make friends. =)
Love to watch/play: baseball, football, basket ball and outdoor activities
Read and going to the movies are a must in my everyday life.
I'm catholic and a family oriented person, have 3 brothers who are my world. Share my home with mom and them.
I've been teaching catechism to kids for almost 13 years so far (so I love kids) and I'm deeply involved into Church activities, belong to a Churh group which does retrits for teenagers and young adults.
I hate drama, so if you are an addicted to it, don't waste your time with me I have no patience for it!
Pet Peeves: Rude & stupid people.
Did I mention I'm a little bit crazy?....but dont be scared I'm not dangerous!
Speak Spanish, English, Italian and Pirate (Arrr!).
About you:
I'd like to meet Godzilla, Phineas & Ferb, the dryer's elf who steals my socks and the boogie man :)

You are a Super Geek!
You are into everything that is geeky – which is hard because there are so many types of geeks. You are very smart and have a great imagination. People who call you a geek are just jealous, right?
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Postcard collector's club!, ♥ Rainbow Swarm ♥, HP Thumbing Club : Chat & Help
Faby's tales
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Faby Sparrow-Cooper
Yeah I am kinda weird... *feels proud of self*
Faby Sparrow-Cooper Faby Sparrow-Cooper
Faby Sparrow-Cooper "Give Me Rum!" Weird & Odd - 12 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Faby Sparrow-Cooper
Last night I dreamed that I was on a plane, and then suddenly the plane started to fail and crashed, but I survived without a scratch, this can only mean one thing....
Faby Sparrow-Cooper
Faby Sparrow-Cooper "Give Me Rum!" Weird & Odd - 12 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Faby Sparrow-Cooper
Please someone just make them stop! >_<
Faby Sparrow-Cooper
Faby Sparrow-Cooper "Give Me Rum!" Weird & Odd - 12 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Faby Sparrow-Cooper
Consider yourself warned...
Faby Sparrow-Cooper
Faby Sparrow-Cooper "Give Me Rum!" Weird & Odd - 12 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
Faby Sparrow-Cooper
My boyfriend and myself...
Faby Sparrow-Cooper
Faby Sparrow-Cooper "Give Me Rum!" Weird & Odd - 12 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
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grace andrew

by grace
Dearest one, My name is grace, I am very happy to view your profile here today,as I'm interested in knowing you.reply me through my private email address at ( ) so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace
grace andrew - 10 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Canadian Beaver
Congrats with the wedding. You look fabulous. Wishing all the best!
hi ! You have been given hi !.
Crafted by WonderWoman
Canadian Beaver "Leafy Beavy" Peace and Love - 12 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Canadian Beaver
Dropping off a little christmas love for you and for your page. Hope that all is going well for you. From what I can see you look very happy. So glad that things are good. Have a very Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to You and Yours You have been given Merry Christmas to You and Yours.
Crafted by Susanna
Canadian Beaver "Leafy Beavy" Peace and Love - 12 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Canadian Beaver

Have a great day! ツ You have been given Have a great day! ツ.
Crafted by Smiley
Canadian Beaver "Leafy Beavy" Peace and Love - 12 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
Canadian Beaver need to return to talk nerdy to me again. Or to talk about rum with me. Hope that all is good with you and life is making you happy.
Nerd talk You have been given Nerd talk.
Crafted by Victoria Lang
Canadian Beaver "Leafy Beavy" Peace and Love - 12 years, 9 months ago
Chanandler Bong

a lick You have been given a lick.
Crafted by Karas
Chanandler Bong "MeanestGpaDad" Never nice - 12 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
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Faby's shop
Faby's Little Weird Shop

You want something weird, come here!!!

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