he is very very sick. he has an abscenst in his mouth adn he drools blood/pus/saliva mixed together. he has a hard time eating and he isin a lot of pain. my mom and i hope that he dies here at the house. he is happiest here and we know that the vet is going to terrify him. thats why my mom and i are going in with him.
- 16 years, 5 months, 18 days ago
yeah. she asked me when i was going to get my liscence, and i said in a few weeks cuz its not really a big deal to me yet.everything i do is like a ten minute walk from my house. school, work, friends. and then she was like well im giving you my little car when you get your liscence. and i was like wow thanks. then she told my mom she was giving me the car now and my moms going to get it registered and shit on monday. i was going to go get my liscence on this comin up friday, but we are putting chai to sleep then :(
- 16 years, 5 months, 19 days ago
i've been doing alright. monica GAVE ME A CAR!!!!!! yesterday she gave me her little car. i was like hell fucken yeah!
- 16 years, 5 months, 19 days ago
its okay. i bought you back. and you bought me, but he bought me back. lol
- 16 years, 5 months, 20 days ago
i've always wanted to go scuba diving in your town. + surfin, snowbaording, laying on da beach... etc...