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Unknown's tales
It's one of those beautiful days, the sun is out, the brids sing, and maybe 65 degree's out. I'm a happy chick, go to school get Art History back, A-. Not to shabby go to other classes. Come home get the mail and boom, Rolling Stone. It is their Best Rock of 2008. Ok considering 2008 just started, what's up and another thing why oh why is it that I finally almost agree with all of them? Yeah that's right, best upcommers..Vampier Weekend..oh hell yes, Best MC...LIL Wayne...didn't totally want to agree but I read the artical and it made me see the light Robe Dawg! :) THUMB ME!
Unknown "Explorer" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 22 days ago
Another A- for Lit...life is good. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get my art history test back and will have rocked out on that one too! The paper on the other hand, ugh don't wanna talk about it. I had a good/bad weekend. Loser boy started texting me while I was watching "Into the Wild" almost ruined the movie for me, but I cried my peepers out. He was so brave and sexy and I LOVE that movie! Yeah so friday I chilled and you know what? It was really nice. Saturday went to a bar and saw a friend frm hs play in his band down by UMKC, the after party was wild, a bit too outta control so I split early. Now Monday is over, whoa this week is going to fly, I have a feeling. Oh and Saturday I talked to this really great guy. Amazing...he should know who he is. THUMB ME PEEPS!
Unknown "Explorer" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
I have been super busy with school and haven"t taken the time to fully understand this yet. It has been a really hard month. I got sick and had to be put in the hospital and my guy came and visited me...red roses and everything, but now he isn't returning calls and acting childish. If it's over...then PLEASE tell me it's DUNZO! hell, it is better than being in the dark and not knowing. Getting texts saying I really like you but I can't handle that you got that sick. Grrrr... On top of that my Dad who has been fighting Stage 4 Colon cancer for three years found out that the last round (his 3rd) of chemeo and another harsh drugh did nada. Very disappointing because in the middle of his sessions his counts went up. Now those toumors have spread to his lungs and grown more in his liver. He went to NYC, were I was born to see a doctor out there, they just reccommended more chemo. I am against the who idea of chemo it made him so sick, esp the kind they want him to go on now. I remember taking him to the ER a few times. When you look at him now he looks so normal, that's why this whole thing just sucks. Find out tomorrow what he'll do. Better get get to Art History...Have a test tomorrow!! Good luck to meeee!!!!
Unknown "Explorer" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
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