Well this tale is about love && Loss and I have had a lot of both. Falling in love is probably the single best thing that ever happened to me, althought saying that it is also the single WORST thing that ever happened to me and it has taken four failed relationships with this guy for me to realise that it's a stupid stupid thing to do!!!
This leads to things such as:
[] Losing people that you REALLY like, trying to hold onto memories
[] Finding out that you have been so stupid lol
[] Feeling like you have lost control
I have lost many a love interest because of believing I was in love when really I was just in love with the memories that we have.
Always hold the memories dear but never let yourself become entwined in the chaos of love, always try and keep a clear head.
Anyways, Never hang onto to people that you know it doesn't work with, keep the memories but understand that it doesn't work and you will see how much better you will feel.
The burden has now been lifted
because well, it's not good.
And believe me it's true!
Sanchia "solace." Annoyed
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago