You're back where you belong~~SORRY GIRLS ;) READ MY PROFILE....ALL MY PETS ARE NFS AND ALL DEALS HAVE TO BE DEALT THROUGH ME AND I WILL LOVE AND TALK TO MY PET~~ Fair is fair and I don't like hurt feelings for anyone. So glad to have my baby back. I missed you Darling...
- 16 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
wonderfull eyes but will be better with a smile
- 16 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
NFS, My Love...My Everything, My Immaculate Eyed Wonder. I have a disclaimer on my page that ALL NFS have to go through me with your new potential Owner for permission and maybe even a great deal, My Sweetheart. If you would ever want or need a raise in points just ask me, I have millions all for my Beloved NFS pets...and you are definitely a special one of those ;) Welcome home, My Eternal Darling...