so, i dont know what to say besides the fact that i have a banana on my arm. I fell asleep and so they drew a pink banana with a purple peel.It looks like a penis,haha, anywhoo, so i had to go to the hospital, and well they gave me this pain med in my one arm and it didnt work, so then they were giving me a shot of demerol,and well there was a banana on my arm so they had to give it to me in my ass!! I was so madd!, so moral of the story, dont fall asleep when you have friends over, and if they draw on you, make sure you scrubb it off(i did but it wouldnt come off) and hope to god you dont need to go to the hospital!! you might get a shot in the ass >_<
Unknown "Jrod's Beauties" Wild
- 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago