Down,down,down, in the dark, was born a small demon, with a human heart. Pink, ugly, and soft, he was cast to the light, to a world unsuspecting, of the things in the night. He grew tall and grew strong, but with anger within. Dark thoughts and dark dreams, and a mind full of sin. But his human heart held the darkness at bay. and soon enough he could throw the anger away. Live a good life, keeping thoughts from becoming foul deed. And looking for love, a most human need. But still twisted things dance in the depths of his eyes. and still he dreams of sulfur dark skys. and dark things spill from the tip of his pen, and they'll keep on spilling, again and again. For though his heart is loving and kind, still there's a demon, in the depths of his mind..
Unknown "loverboy" Wild
- 17 years, 2 months, 16 days ago