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91 days, 11 hours, 27 minutes ago I was at the point of physical and mental exhaustion ... An Apparently I had forgotten to update since then.

Well my niece is doing well, she still has her trachea tube, but that should come out any week now. She is more alert and active, and I saw her for christmas. :)

I hope that she continues her trend of improving like this :) Brings some joy to my life :)
Unknown Carefree - 15 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
Has it been 26 days already? wow... Time flies when you're not having fun. Things have slowed down, I'm not making daily trips to tacoma anymore. However I am still going to Mary Bridge hospital in tacoma frequently. Last week my niece went back into the hospital again.

From what I understand, she had a new care giving nurse that may or may not have contaminated her trachea tube and stomach tube... Giving her an infection which forced her back into the hospital.

Poor little dear.

Yesterday we went to visit again, and when we got there the nurse with Lulu's food was excitedly talking about how lulu might go home (Now today) ... an then all of a sudden lulu's oxygen levels in her blood dropped. It took about an hour of Respiratory therapy to bring the oxygen stats back up. Lulu had us scared, not sure she wants to go home yet :P

So today, not sure if she's going home or not... Keeping my fingers crossed.
Unknown Carefree - 16 years, 3 days ago
To update my life, since I haven't written in about 67 days.. We are still doing okay, We've been dealing off and on with the death of my cousin. So far we haven't had too much drama with that, and we haven't heard from our other (evil) cousin.

Mainly in the last two weeks, I've had my 2 year old niece (well 2 this month) in the hospital.. She was in the Intensive Care unit for about a week and a half, and she's out of it. She gets to come home, baring a fever, on thursday.

This poor little girl has had such a rough rough life, when she was born she was oxygen deprived for, if I remember correctly, over 5 minutes and suffered some damage. Then This mystery illness.

She went to the doctors with an ear infection, received antibiotics and went home.. Developed a high fever, breathing problems, and profuse bleeding.. An was hospitalized in intensive care.

They said Ear infection, plus Pneumonia, Plus a bacterial infection caused the bleed... etc.. But took over a week and a half for them to say that much. >I< still don't believe them. But At least lulu's getting better (lulu is her nickname) .. I spend nearly every other day down there now. So if I don't seem like I'm active on HP it's because I'm doing other things to keep my mind occupied.

Feel free to drop me notes any time you wish. I appreciate them :)
Unknown Carefree - 16 years, 1 month ago
I didn't imagine that this was going to be so difficult for me to handle. I barely knew my cousin, even though he lived with us a month after his mother die.. So he could help get her estate in order. I Spent a long time driving him around, and hanging out with his kids.. But I never spoke seriously with him.

He was an odd ball. I think it's just the fact that it's a death that's getting to me.. I feel so restless... Like I need to go do something life affirming.. but I'm broke, and I have no where to go.

Hello wall, meet my head.. It's going to be bashing into you a while until I straighten my emotions out.
Unknown Carefree - 16 years, 3 months, 7 days ago
I'm probably going to remove this later, but this is to explain whats going on in my life right now. A cousin of mine killed himself on the 25th and we found out about it yesterday.. so If I'm not Around facebook it's because I've got a lot on my mind.

Right now, we don't know exactly how to help the family, considering that my other cousin (the brother of the one who died) is now suing his former sister in law (the widowed wife of my dead cousin) for all the money that she an her husband received from my aunts inheritance from her passing away.

My cousin leaves behind a widow and several children. He will be missed.
Unknown Carefree - 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
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You have been given Have a gorgeous day!.
Crafted by Jimmery
Unknown "Alassë Calmcaci" Tired - 16 years, 3 months, 11 days ago
La Laura
Wish you a beautiful day.... :)
You have been given *Message in a Bottle*.
Crafted by Unknown
La Laura "MY princess♥" ♥ my shelly - 16 years, 4 months, 13 days ago
thanks for sharing your them again today. seems so real and still a dream ... or was it.
Unknown "Alassë Calmcaci" Tired - 16 years, 4 months, 13 days ago
Okay look, I can understand buying me to buy me. That's one thing, but I'm quite happily owned right now. I'm quite fond of my owner, and frankly stop buying me NOW. the fact that you sold me, promptly to the store to reset my price has pissed me off. Don't do it again >.>
Unknown Carefree - 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago

You have been given Happiness.
Crafted by
Unknown "special one" With Shaun :) - 16 years, 5 months, 18 days ago
Denise Rand
*grins and point to property of stickers* ;)
You have been given bow to your mistress.
Crafted by
Denise Rand Purring - 16 years, 5 months, 27 days ago
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