In doing some research for a client yesterday I came upon a deliciously scandalous family that has lived in my area for years. It's brilliant stuff that you just know will make a great historical novel. It's complete with a scoudrelly (is that a word?) villain and in-fighting between brothers. I need to finish off what I'm working on to get to it, but it's so awesome to have ideas flowing. :)
Unknown "TOO FUNNY" Inspired
- 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
Sorry - I've been completely AWOL for a while! With the beautiful weather and start of ball season and inspiration to write, and, and, and... it's been hard to come and check in! I hope you're all doing well! :)
Unknown "TOO FUNNY" Inspired
- 16 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
Sometimes I wonder how getting what we want can feel 'not good'. I have my own business, therefore having lots of clients and lots of work is a good thing and something I strive for. So why is it that when more work comes in sometimes it feels like "oh man, I can't handle this! How am I going to do it all?" At what point in my life did being neurotic become part ofmy personality? :) At least I'm aware of it and I'm working on it, and I know not to react to feelings that don't make sense. Sometimes I just wonder if those foreceps did some actual damage to my cranium! :)
Unknown "TOO FUNNY" Inspired
- 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
I'm always a bit suspicious of humans who don't have pets. Not the kind here - I mean the real four-legged ones that make our lives whole. I have friends in the 'real world' that don't have pets, but mostly because of where they live. Not many choose not to have them.So, when my dog and I go for a walk and she barks at someone who doesn't have a dog, I try not to smile as I tell her to stop it because really, she's just reflecting what I'm already thinking "where's your dog?"
Unknown "TOO FUNNY" Inspired
- 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
The plot thickens - what a cliche! As a writer I should be shot for using that! None the less. Went to writer's group yesterday and rehashed the intro to the story. Came home, discussed plot and development with the husband. All in all, I think it might be good if I keep at it. It has potential. Could be interesting. If not, I'll go on with something else!
Unknown "TOO FUNNY" Inspired
- 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago