A political joke ~~~~ Since election is coming on March 8 2008
What is the requirement to become a parliament representatives
Some phrase to learn to be a quality parliament
--> The project in on-going it's almost done
--> Ya, i m handling it pls give me some time
--> No, there is no such things
--> I will never waste a single penny of my tax payor
--> If i get elected, i will do this and that and also contribute to the society
--> Don't worry is a small matter only, i will settle it for u
--> Lastly, after i get elected services and contribution to the society is the last things ~~~~ money money come to pocket ^o^
This is the criteria for a politician ~~~ pls rmb this few phrases so next time u can get voted ^^
Unknown "♥SeanSean♥" Emo
- 17 years, 29 days ago