My full name is Murdoch Angus MacKenzie which is a Celtic name from Scotland. My Father's family came to the New World in the 1880's and settled on Cape Breton Island N.S. The name "Murdoch" means sailor or more poetically "Shepard Of The Sea". Angus means "Strong or Steadfast" and MacKenzie means "Son Of Kennith! On my mother's side she was French Acadian who's ancestry came to the New World in 1626! but I also have First Nations blood in my vains too! So I think that makes me an Indiginous Canadian!
Unknown Content
- 16 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
This is the true home of my heart! Even though I live in one of the most beautiful spots on earth "The Canadian Rockie Mountains".Cape Breton Island will always be near and dear to me forever!
Unknown Content
- 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
March 8th 2008! Saw my first WOLF in the wild today on my way through the Columbia Icefield Parkway up to Jasper! It was so kewl! I've been here in the Canadian Rockie Mountains since '85 and not once have I seen a wolf till this day! Now I need to see a cougar in the wild! Not the two legged ones if that is what you have in mind! And last but not least I'm hoping to see Bigfoot! They say they're here but I ain't holdin my breathe!
Unknown Content
- 17 years, 14 days ago
I shall pass this way but once; any good thing, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show any human being, Let me do it now! Let me not defer it nor neglect it! For I shall not pass this way again.
Unknown Content
- 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago