A Necromancer's Prayer
Ad tu, deditio meus cor, meus amina, meus credo.
ea id cum fides ille cado in tuus potens ala
ea id cum amor ille offero calix de meus cor-
bibo profundis de meus vita ille licet cognosco altitudos
de flumen de oblivio et memoria.
ea id sine timor et cum desiderium verus
ille osculum tuus tranquillus, frigus oris
prudens ille hic memoria volo esse meus ultimas.
(English Translation)
To thee, I surrender, my heart, my soul, my trust.
It is with Faith that I fall into your mighty wings.
It is with love that I offer up the chalice of my heart,
Drink deep of my life that I might know the depths
of the river of Forgetfulness and Memory.
It is without fear and with true desire
that I kiss your still, cold lips
knowing that this memory shall be my last
Unknown "Lady Bathory" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago