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Unknown's tales

Heh Heh California Was Kewl
Unknown "Robbie" Loving - 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
I have had two near death experiences and only once did i actually die!

The first time was when i was born i swallowed some toxin in the little bag
ure in when you're born and it did me bad so i got very sick and well it beat
me and i was actually declared dead but (according to my mom) a divine
miracle brought me back, i say the doctors knew what they were doing...

the second time was a near death experience, i was maybe 6 and me and some friends were messing around in the backyard of where i used to live at and there was this fence and somewhere in the middle there were two poles about 6 feet apart and we always played who could walk across with out falling from pole to pole, well i went up first and when i was somewhere in the
middle of the poles my friend chunks a ball at me making me lose my balance
so i fall off the fence and land on a brick right on my spine...omfg it
hurt sooo good, and i thought at that moment omg im paralyzed cause i
couldn't move but it was just cause of the pain but i could move, and i see
my friends looking at me and one of them started to cry and im like wtf was
that for, then i said chill im fine and as i roll over to get up something
between my arm and side held me back, as i turn over to see what it was i
saw a a tree stump sticking from the ground, it was pretty pointy also,
imagine a few inches more and i could've had a stick trough my heart lol

and least but not last my third experience, i was about maybe...idk 12 yrs old and me and my best friend were roller blading, man those were the days, and me and her would race up and down the street and set times to see who was faster, obviously i would win and she knows it! anyways well one day it was really awesome afternoon, it was cloudy so no sun and the breeze was amazing, so we skated till we couldnt no more and well we never got tired of i, its that much fun, well it started to sprinkle on us and well i didnt let that bother me we kept on having fun, the sprinkling became heavier and darker, eventually a storm brewed, i was young i didnt give a fuck if i was in a tornado as long as i can land my tail grabs i was alright, well my friend was a lil freaked out so we left, to get home we have to cross 3 streets, well the first 2 are small roads but the 3rd is this pretty narrow and if you were to drive in that alley you could not see if a car was coming or anything unless you were in the middle of the street and risk getting hit haha, well as we crossed the 3rd one i stupidly decided to see if i could nail a 360 tail grab spin...and no i didnt land it i landed on my back and just in time for when a car came, id say it was coming at a good 15 mph, well it hit the breaks...but it still got me i flew back not to far maybe 3 feet...and i was knocked out...when i came to i had a major head ache and my body was numb i was scared shit less i tough i had broken my legs or something, no one liked that i was so care free, i still am...well they told me i was hit by a car, i told my friend shit dude no dont tell my mom i dont want to get in trouble i could care less for that guy i just didnt want her to get scared and not let me skate anymore, so life went on and i didnt tell my mom about it and from that accident all i got was a bump on my head and a scratch here and there...

you've heard the saying "that which does not kill you only makes you stronger"? i think it makes me weaker...and a good friend of mines also told me something that i thought was pretty interesting, she told me "Wow Robert what the fuck...thats crazy you know what that means right?" i said no i dont what does it mean and she said "it means that you have a purpose here, it means you're not meant to die because of something you were set here to do"...idk if that has to do with "God" or anything does make me think...
Unknown "Robbie" Loving - 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago

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You have been given metallica.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless - 16 years, 1 month, 29 days ago

You were taken on a trip! You have been taken partying at a night club.
ABC "kitty N4$" Growling - 16 years, 5 months, 12 days ago
Gotcha back xP
ABC "kitty N4$" Growling - 16 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
missed you honey bee! how's things with your girl? things still going well? xxxx
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless - 16 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
by the way, loving the new Metallica t-shirt :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless - 16 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
MINE!! always honeybee :)
You have been given Butt it's fun.
Crafted by Jo
Unknown "Darling Vi" Hopeless - 16 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
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Unknown's shop

"You Suck At Talking...So Shut Up And Kiss Me"

I Love Kissing/making out/anything that has to do with the mouth...Hence All The Kissie Items To Pick From

Go Out There And Share The Love, Eh?

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Thanks For Shopping
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Let's "Play" My Pet
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Dark Seduction
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Push It!
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Push It!
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A Crystal Rose For You
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A Crystal Rose For You
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I Bite...Hard ;]
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Bubble Gum Kiss
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Pearl Kiss
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