Once upon a time there was a fox named Nathan or in the original language, Gift. Gift was a very imaginative fox but was very lonely because he had no family. On a clear and sunny Sunday afternoon Gift found a very tall oak tree. Usually Gift would ignore a tree but this tree caught his eye or at least a shiney pice of metal did. Gift went over and saw a medalion made of pure gold. He picked it up and took it home. When he had placed the medalion safe on his mantle he heard something outside.
He went outside and saw an amazing creature. It was a lion with sheep's wool. The wool was pure white. It's mane was golden but also shown in brilliant colors like a spectrum. The lion also had sky blue angel wings but the tips were red and his eyes changed with the colors of the sky. Gift asked "Who are you?" "I am Duke Lion." Duke Lion showed Gift a gold painted cross on his face, the symbol of his high status. Gift was still baffled. He had never seen another creature except for the ground crawlers but they never spoke. "Where did you come from?" Gift asked. "I live in the castle past those hills in the east." "What are you doing here?" "Well I was talking a walk. I'm sorry if I disturbed you." "Oh no, you weren't, I just never seen...that is I never knew any other intellegent being." "Well that's odd...although as many times as I have walked through these woods it is just as strange that I have never met you. Why don't I introduce you to the other creatures of this realm." "You mean there are more speaking animals?" "Yes of coarse, the closest creature to your house is Consecrated the Okapi"
Duke Lion led Gift back to the oak tree where Gift found the medalion but now there was a house there made of sticks, mud, and stones similar to Gift's. "Duke Lion." "Yes" "This house wasn't here this morning." "Gift, I go by this house every time I walk through this forest." Duke Lion knocked on the door. It opened but Consecrated wasn't paying attension to her guests. She was looking around her house pacing. Duke Lion said hello and Consecrated stopped for a second and said "Hello Duke Lion-" she went on pacing "-who is your friend?" "This is...well actually I didn't ask his name." Gift answered "I call myself Gift" Consecrated stopped pacing "Mmm you 'call yourself Gift' what does that mean?" "Well I don't think I was ever given a name so I named myself." "What about your parents aren't they supposed to name you?" "I never knew my parents." "Oh...I'm sorry. But how did you survive then?" "The ground crawlers raised me I guess. They fed me and gave me shelter that is." "Oh my, well it sounds like another mystery." Duke Lion spoke "Consecrated what were you doing just now." "Oh, well I was just trying to figure out what's going on. I'm trying to play a long distance game with my friends in the woods but something is blocking my ability to summon the game. Also I tried summoning the Wizards of Eureka to find out what's wrong but I couldn't get them either." "What do you mean ability to summon? Can you actually teleport something by performing a ritual?" Gift asked. "Well not exactly, I have this crystal." Consecrated showed Gift a slender light blue crystal "When I hold it I have access to games and people and writings. All I do is think of what I want and then there it is but now it's not working." "Well why don't I have a look at your crystal. You may just need a break from it. In the mean time why don't you read this book I think you might enjoy it." Duke Lion suggested.
Unknown "Nathan" Sparkling
- 16 years, 9 months ago