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David | - Free online hangout and friends
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David , 43/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:37 PM
Join date:17 years, 29 days ago
Location: Newcastle United Kingdom

About me:
Im 6' 2 laid back person who likes to have a laugh at life because it enjoys laughing at me lol. If you thumb my herd send me a message and I will rtf
About you:

Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Daves thumb herd, Daves 100 page herd
Herds: Bunnys Thumb Party, JBs Thumbs, Princess, Pets and Pals points, Stacy's House of Thumbs, Thumbers Thumbing Thumbs, Rachel's Arena, Poetessa's Sauna

50 pts

50 pts
David's tales
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1. Are you happy? Yes

2. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Yes

3. Kissed someone without knowing their name? Yes

4. Stayed up all night with a stranger? Yes

5. Slept at an airport? Yes

6. Hit someone? Yes

7. Have had or would get plastic surgery? No

8. Are you in love? Yes

11. Have a tattoo? No

12. Been injured while drunk? lol Yes

13. Hidden your feelings to save the feelings of others? Yes

14. Played a prank on someone? Yes all the time

15. Have a crush on someone at the moment? Yes

16. Sabotaged someone else's happiness for your own? No

17. Been proposed to and said no? No

18. Proposed to someone and been rejected? No

19. Cheated on someone? Once

20. Kissed a cop? No

21. Kissed a Fireman? No

22. Been to court? Yes

23. Been in the back of a paddy wagon? No

24. Still love someone you shouldn't? Yes

25. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? As long as its a bed im happy
David Cheeky - 15 years, 3 months, 17 days ago

Your Name is Green

Your name tells people that you are harmonious and balanced. You've got it together, and it shows.

You are hopeful and optimistic. You know it's not over until it's over, and you keep fighting until the end.

People see you as peaceful to the point of being zen. You won't allow anything to get under your skin.

You struggle with envy at times, but you never let it show. You believe that jealousy is a weakness, and you try not to let yourself indulge in it.
David Cheeky - 15 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
I have been away for a while and it seems a lot quieter here than it used to be :(
David Cheeky - 15 years, 3 months, 19 days ago
Don't judge a book by its movie.
David Cheeky - 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
It's bad luck to be superstitious.
David Cheeky - 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
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Princess Day Dreamer

Happy To See You!!! You have been given Happy To See You!!!.
Crafted by consuelo garcia
Princess Day Dreamer "MIA" Chase Your Dreams! - 12 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
Princess Day Dreamer

dropping by to say Hi! You have been given dropping by to say Hi!.
Princess Day Dreamer "MIA" Chase Your Dreams! - 12 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
MeLelly Loving - 14 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
Princess Day Dreamer
:( xx
i miss you, where'd you go? You have been given i miss you, where'd you go?.
Crafted by Cc
Princess Day Dreamer "MIA" Chase Your Dreams! - 15 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
Princess Day Dreamer
where are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lost without you You have been given lost without you.
Crafted by KB
Princess Day Dreamer "MIA" Chase Your Dreams! - 15 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
Princess Day Dreamer
i am off overseas to the canaries this time. i hope to bum into you soon on here. it was nice to have you back for a while there x
Never letting go You have been given Never letting go.
Crafted by Julie
Princess Day Dreamer "MIA" Chase Your Dreams! - 15 years, 2 months, 11 days ago
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David's shop
Daves Den

For my Princess
1 use

200 pts
For my Princess
Bought by 2 people
are you there
1 use

250 pts
are you there
Bought by 17 people
i miss you
1 use

250 pts
i miss you
Bought by 11 people
1 use

250 pts
Bought by 21 people
what did you say
1 use

250 pts
what did you say
Bought by 3 people
1 use

250 pts
Bought by 6 people
big hugs
1 use

250 pts
big hugs
Bought by 14 people
playful bite
1 use

250 pts
playful bite
Bought by 19 people
1 use

2000 pts
Bought by 4 people
I love you
1 use

250 pts
I love you
Bought by 6 people
you are cute
1 use

250 pts
you are cute
Bought by 16 people
for my princess
1 use

250 pts
for my princess
Bought by 15 people

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