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MissChronic | - Free online hangout and friends
Asena owns this human at 50 points.

antici -pating...

MissChronic , 49/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:10 PM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 21 days ago
Location: Lethbridge, Alberta Canada

About me:
slightly eccentric... life lover! Pretty laid back.. easy going... definately into having fun & adventures of all sorts! Humour is a huge turn on! Keep me laughing & I'm yours...
About you:
Not afraid of change, enjoys a good adventure & makes the best of a not so good one! Easy going... laid back.. loves life & laughter... er.. ohh wait that's me again... hehe, you I don't know.. but maybe I wanna... then again maybe I don't... perhaps we will see.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: We Love Weed!!, ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, BC Pets, Suicide Girls, Random Herd Random pets, Shop Advertisments, The Museum, The Alternative Society Herd, Hippies United!!, Alternative Moms, Cute Butt, Purgatory, Poll Whores
300000 pts
err.. moody...
Given Surname
Given Surname
"My Canada"
37456 pts
Ryan Keysell
Ryan Keysell
6000 pts
70 pts
MissChronic's tales
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Okay sooo.. life is complete and utter insanity.. but it's okay I don't mind insanity in small doses.. this one has been a rather big dose.. but that's okay too.. things are moving ahead I believe.. sooo.. I am now in the jewelry business.. I am also facilitating.. and I am starting school in January which is fantastic... I am going to be a rock sniffer one day.. woot!

Dating is always a catastrophe lol where did all the good guys go? Seriously wth is up with all the crazies out there yo?

and a song for your viewing pleasure.. this is the one I am lovin on today...
MissChronic "כרוניקה" antici -pating... - 13 years, 5 months, 18 days ago
Sooo been on a new adventure... Currently in the process of working on my budding business with my oldest friend. We have been making ammolite, & semi precious gem jewelry. All sterling findings, anyways... it is very fun! I am anticipating good sales. There are not just Aesthetic aspects to the jewelry but metaphysical and medical aspects as well soooo if anyone wants some really nice jewelry with ammolite harvested by us, and beautiful stone beads... gimme a holla!

I don't know if you know, but Ammonite is a fossil found all over the world altho there is only one place in the world where it comes out with amazing metallic colors in the shell that place happens to be where I call home and My friend and I go ammonite hunting, slice and dub the ammonite which then becomes ammolite (the process of epoxy coating changes the name) and make jewelry from it. Our pieces are one of a kind and as this is a fossil it won't be around forever!

Anyways.. that's all on that.. :o)

Peace out yo!
MissChronic "כרוניקה" antici -pating... - 14 years, 20 days ago

MissChronic "כרוניקה" antici -pating... - 14 years, 22 days ago
Sooo it's been awhile.. no new guy.. no guy at all... meh whatever.. I have been working lots.. I am starting to wonder when my winning ticket is coming... it's odd I haven't got it yet... lol

I should be rich now damnit! lol haha this working every day life is just crazy... wth? hehe Noooo I'm just kidding.. I don't mind work altho I wouldn't mind not work either... I'm not gonna lie.

I have a puppy.. have I mentioned that? I finally broke down and did it... it's a hell world puppyland. I think I could possibly be a masochist I might really like pain or something... it's kinda sick. Altho I never did say I was normal. Boon.. (the puppy) is now 6 months old.. I've had him since he was 7 weeks... he is really cute.. when he is asleep especially. lol We love him tho.. he is our protector.

I am going to start a 2yr master herbalist course in a month... that should be quite exciting.. I am very much looking forward to it. WooHoo!!

Well peeps.. not much else to say gotta go pay some bills... damn things..
Peace out
MissChronic "כרוניקה" antici -pating... - 14 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
There could be a new guy! I dunno forsure.. but ooo he is a cute one! The only problem is... his name is a C name... now I know that sounds strange but I have some bad history with C names... I do feel the need to check it out tho.. so here's to the new C... hehe!
MissChronic "כרוניקה" antici -pating... - 14 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
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Rhonda Lamoure
Have a great day 😊😎😊
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Rhonda Lamoure "Girlfriend" Courageous - 6 years, 9 months, 17 days ago

A Big Cuppa Happy You have been given A Big Cuppa Happy.
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Deborama "Deborama" Loving my Friends - 6 years, 9 months, 26 days ago

I love my pet You have been given I love my pet.
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Deborama "Deborama" Loving my Friends - 6 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
Assorted  Doobie Pack of Fun You have been given Assorted Doobie Pack of Fun.
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Deborama "Deborama" Loving my Friends - 6 years, 9 months, 28 days ago

Picked this just for you.✿° You have been given Picked this just for you.✿° .
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Deborama "Deborama" Loving my Friends - 6 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
Rhonda has started to buy you ... she does love her ladies xo and it's all in good fun .. so I bought you back, now you are higher .. in points
Bong Rips & Coffee Time! You have been given Bong Rips & Coffee Time!.
Crafted by Deborama
Deborama "Deborama" Loving my Friends - 6 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
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MissChronic's shop
The Fun Shack!!!

It's all about the laughs! Don't forget to check out the second page!!!

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