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Unknown's tales
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Hey guys! So far over a month that I've been single and haven't given up on meeting guys! But ex has been calling me and trying to make me jealous. Oh well but here is something I've been working on (little by little everyday).


Down by the Munson, Florida, the sun hung high in the clear baby blue sky. Families gathered near or around a crystal clear lake to swim until their hearts content.

Standing on the docks was a man in his late twenties who seemed watchful over his five year old son who splashed around in the cooling waters. Under watchful eyes the small boy dived under the clear shallow waters then under the docks.

When the boy surfaced he looked around seeing the bright sun light leaking through the space between the boards. The sound of his father calling out to him made him look up seeing he was right under his father.

“Johnny, get back here where I can see you or your mom will kill me.” He held a playful tone as this was his first and only child.

Johnny smiled at his father through the boards.

“I’m right under you, Daddy!” He shouted up seeing his father looking down at him. His father chuckled after hearing him. Looking around as he wanted to explore a bit more; giving a hard kick he sent himself forward but something slimy wrap around his ankle. Kicking once more he felt it tighten its grip on his small ankle. Panicking more he thrashed even more and tears ran down his cheeks.

“Daddy!!!” He screamed out to him as his heart sang for help.
The sound of his son’s voice sent him jumping into the water. Moving around on his knees he went under the docks to see Johnny struggling. Sighing slightly he took the scared boy into one arm and with his free hand he untangled his ankle. Johnny sobbed in the safety of his father’s arm but watched him yanking on the rope.

“Who would leave this here?” The adult male held the tiny boy and pulled harder. The rope was taunt then went slack. What came to the surface made his heart skip a beat and sent his mind reeling.

Before his very eyes was a delicate water logged hand. On the slender fingers of hand was a class ring. In the very metal of the ring was initials of a local high school: JHS...Johnson High School.

Chapter 1

Within the darkness lays a slender figure that seemed calm. A small light lightens up as a vibration sounded off; the broken silence woke the slender figure. In a moment the cell phone flipped open and was raised to soft lips.

“Hello?” The figure tried to suffocate the yawn but failed. Groaning in slight annoyance, Aiko shifted her weight onto her right elbow. She couldn’t think of a reason why someone decided to call this late at night.

“Miss Walker, I’m sorry to bother you in the middle of the night.” A strong male’s voice sounded from the other end of the phone line. Aiko recognized the man’s voice as it belonged to only one man, Jack Foster, her partner.

“Bull shit, Jack. You seemed to have a interest of annoying me by disturbing my sleep.” She hissed slightly as she managed to sit up leaning back into her large pillows. In moments her bedroom light came on and there stood a tall lean man, Thomas. Thomas shook his black hair from his dark eyes with the pale light landing on him to reveal he was in a pair of old gym shorts; slowly he glides over to her large bed and sat on the edge.

Jack only smirked on the other end as Aiko tended to live out in areas where it was hard to spot her. Sighing he leaned back in his chair then slipped his large feet on the desk before him. His light tan only brought out his slender facial features.

“Well Aiko, there been another sighting…A new body was found in Munson Creek, Florida. I believe you know the area?” Jack spoke softly into the mouth piece. He took a look at Aiko's file before he even laid eyes on her. So far she held a promising talent and reputation for solving high cased murders or perhaps commit them. Sometimes this little woman scared him when she showed no emotions when she confronted the murderers.

After hearing where the fifth body was found, close to her home town; which she left behind long ago after the people she thought cared for her was killed. Sighing she closed her eyes as screams filled her thoughts.

“I know the area well enough not to get lost.” Her voice held an emotionless tone to it. Her heart beat slowed down to where it was barely beating at all.

“Aiko, we need to head down there as soon as possible.” The line went silent as if he was waiting for her response.

“Why do they need us? They can send in Smith and Donald in for this.” Her voice was dead as her eyes went unfocused.

“It seems the murder is near your home town. You know the area but the main thing we’re not sure of is why is a Johnson class ring was left behind on the woman’s hand.” Jack had a feeling why but he and their supervisors never saw eye to eye on such things.
Chapter 2

With the moon hanging low and the mist just hovering over the lush green grass; the sound of struggling and panting was heard. Shadows danced as the wind blew through; two shadows kept moving as one looked to be dragging someone. A young woman who had long black hair and brown eyes; she kicked as she held on to her capture’s hand who held her by her hair. Tears ran down her cheeks as she begged him to let her go but he didn’t reply as he slammed her against a tree. Slightly dazed she felt her hands being tied tightly above her head then the sound of clothes being ripped made her shudder.

Feeling forceful hands slipping between her thighs then pulled her slender thighs apart. She closed her eyes as she felt nothing but pain rushing through her body. Her screams filled the isolated area and all she could hear was the man’s grunting in her ear.

She screamed for him to stop but he continued the torture with the moon shining down on them but what made her go white was when he pulled away. Seeing his hand racing when he stood next to the stream; the sound of him groaning he turned around smirking at her.

“Sorry to end our fun but its necessary for you to parish. Your death will bring an old friend back home where we can have our special fun.” The hooded man smiled down at his prey as he pulled a long nine inch dagger out. The light glint off the stainless steel blade when he unsheathed the deadly blade.

When he saw her taking a deep breath to scream; he didn’t waste time as he dug the sharp blade into the soft flesh of her neck. Blood streamed out for a moment but when the pressure was low he removed the blade. He stood there watching the woman drown in her own blood. The sight of seeing his prey struggle to breath made him want more blood and challenge.

The woman’s eyes went dull and lifeless which told him to slip his calling card on her. Kneeling down he slipped a class ring from his pocket then slipped it on her left hand. The ring had stamped in its band: JHS.

Unknown Loyal - 16 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
Its been over a week since I've been single. Surprisingly theres one guy who confessed he wanted to date me but won't in the fear of losing our friendship.

Thats not the problem. My problem is how do I get my ex to stop calling me after he has been provoking me to fight with him. After this I decided to stop talking to him but he doesn't seem to get the message. So how do I deal with a guy who doesn't show any emotion, doesn't give a shit about screwing with someone's emotions, and is a brat who fights hard for not getting what he wanted?
Unknown Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 10 days ago
Well, starting tonight I'm single. Everything seemed our relationship was going down hill for the last month. I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm whining but I'm still hurting from such an idiot. I told him I wanted to keep this thing going but I realized he wasn't going to work on the relationship when he pulled the "I think we need our space then lets talk." It was hard to break it off with him when he said that but now he's going to find out on how much I made his life easier. So I figrured I'll take a break from dating right now.
Unknown Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
Alright, at this moment I'm worried about my mom. She tried to call me earlier but I didn't hear my cell phone going off. I tried to call her twice on her cell and home phone. Normally she answers either one....I'm worried if something is wrong.
Unknown Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
So I've been stuck in a hard place at the moment. Living with my bf where we had a deal that I would cook, clean and help with food bills then he pays my side of the rent. His dad didn't like the idea. So for 2 weeks I've been looking for jobs that will help with $400 of rent a month. Also lets me go to college. Well...Today I got a call for an interveiw at a place where my "Owner" works at! If you guys can see me I'm smiling like there is no tomorrow.
Unknown Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
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You have been given Just making sure you know!.
Crafted by Ze Monsta
Unknown Seductive - 16 years, 2 months, 25 days ago

You have been given Chain me up, I'll like it.
Crafted by Margo
Unknown Seductive - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
Hmm yess well talking would happen to be the only way to get to know someone online. Lets do that then. What kind of things do you do for fun?
Ron "Goodness" Lonely - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
Justin Bieber
Thanks Aarika!
You have been given Thank You.
Crafted by Unknown
Justin Bieber "Justin Hale" Seductive - 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
Justin Bieber
I'd thumb your 3 tales Aarika.
Justin Bieber "Justin Hale" Seductive - 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
soo um i suppose this is the part where we start chit chattign like old friends. unfortunatly work is doen in half an hour and i wont be back until monday
Ron "Goodness" Lonely - 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
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