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"Top Chick"
Unknown's tales
Did you see that John Loughrey guy, the Diana "superfan" who attended all 89 days of her inquest with diana and dodi's names painted across his face? He was my landlord when I used to live in London. Think what he did was weird? That's nothing you should try being his tenant.
Unknown "Top Chick"
- 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
I put my ex husband up for auction hoping that a nice Angelina Jolie lookalike would give him a home. He has been bought by a guy, oops! Don't think he's going to be too pleased with me.
Unknown "Top Chick"
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
Would someone like to buy my ex husband? Go on I dare you. I want a new owner!
Unknown "Top Chick"
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
I am supposed to have a genius IQ yet I still can't work out this human pets thing....can't work out how to chat to other herd members, can't work out why when I tried to search the auctions and thought I was searching points I ended up accidentally bidding on people I probably wouldn't touch with a bargepole. Then when I first tried to auction off my ex husband I offered "an online chat" as a prize and there was no option to amend it. This has got my partner kinda suspicious! Someday someone will explain it to me...I'm obviously getting old
Unknown "Top Chick"
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
Once as a student I was so naive me and a couple of friends I was travelling round the states with needed somewhere to crash for the night. We got off the train in a place called Harlem and after much aimless wandering up and down we saw a sign saying "hotel" so we tried to book in. We thought it was a bit of a rip off that they charged by the hour so we decided to do a deal with them. We would rent some of the numerous videos behind the counter, sleep for a few hours and be out first thing in the morning. It actually took the appearance of one Hawaiin clad pimp accompanyed by several scantily clad women and a trannie before the penny dropped and we realised we had to abandon the idea. ...
Unknown "Top Chick"
- 16 years, 12 months ago
unique collectables
The glamourous, the unmentionable, and the downright bizarre
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