I started a facebook, purely for the social networking aspect of course. I mean what other mature reason would there be than to keep in contact with err umm my network. Yeah. Then I added some apps such as Owned and HumanPets, I mean, obviously we all need pets. What is one man or woman alone. And then I 'bought' a bunch of my friends and started calling them my 'pets'. I felt so in line with the universe, like I was really in tune with this whole Facebook thing. Then some fucking little whiner came along and bought all my damn friends. I was like 'Woah, what the shit is this? Dont you get it? These are my friends like in real life or something maybe... At the very least I think they are 'cause i bought them with my e-money.'
So, uh, didn't think that one through very well. I might not have gotten around to the point I was trying to make when I started the rant. I think I will look into making a herd next, always wanted to part of a herd. Or maybe I will just find something else to do.
Unknown Serene
- 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago