Last Letter to Eve
Remember always the lesson of two trees
As one teaches another reaches, as good soil sows good seed.
Eve, what grows in you are great trees,
such things never still standing, even fallen
Oh, such a reach, branches without end, they seem.
Soon I shall depart, when your womb finds root, I go.
Between two worlds, my pivots’ rise and fall.
Looking behind I shall find a world we gave to each
from the fruit of two trees. As for me I shall return
some day, in my silent ways, upon my silent waves.
When I see you and him, husband and wife, as one together
resting beneath great trees, perhaps over eternity. Quietly
I shall pass, the lonely traveler presented charities.
Gifts opened from you, from yours
as far as my spectacles would see.
Eve, so many trees granting to be touched,
to leave with them my own unique
knowledge’s spun from stories of us. Me.
If searching, I am found, seeking for the few confused
whom in seeing me saw the darkest umbrae. Surroundings,
with white light’s emitting from holes that fade.
These children I shall, in memory of your memories, subdue.
Lest they be left to Father, their ideas and intents,
and I, but a short time of wraith for my continuance.
Yes, proclaiming truths when of a distant past
a serpent beside, below at your feet, freely sat.
Both in our own ways curled, attempting that fruits sweet peril.
I look forward's to tomorrow, the children of yours;
in looking back they will realize those path’s that led me here,
the many shells I left, shed reminders.
Dried Skins, found in time to honor me, as I search my world
through thriving thorns. Above me, Eve, all these trees.
For within you resides the respites of men,
both their cooling and ever changing shades.
Inside each color finds a part of you imbued,
those parts that draw tendencies, to the eyes.
Eve, you are the measured hue of Man.
Who else makes a barren ground fertile for trees?
For this society in honor of you
Eve, I shall call this forest…Humanity
Unknown "♥~Hottie~♥" Emo
- 17 years, 2 months, 28 days ago