The Titliation of Katrina
Faded jeans left hanging to dry
on white picket fences
Along rolling lawns of perfect green
Left to the attendance of negro maids
dressed in quaint costumes of tight French apronsuits
Celebrating their freedom
they prance about
in a mock party of curtseys and smiles
Under the spilling sunrays of
a midafternoon
in the care of May
Like thick honey oozing out from that opening in the sky
rejoicing the attraction of drones and worker bees
Fluttering around fields of wild grass
razor and bristly
they sway with their prerogative
held firmly by their strong stalks
Rooted in the ancient soil
which supports all things living
And in their rugged hands
the maids grasp these furry thistles
crushing them into a fine powder
A conglomeration of
Sienna browns and sandpaper tan-
Icing on a sawdust dessert
of rich pine taste
Embracing the mighty Sequoia-
Nature's gift to Man
as a sweet, sweet food
To nourish our bodies
our souls
The connection with
the penetrating pleasures of Gaia's karmic flow
that transcends through
bodily systems
Into an ejection of inspiration
unclenching fists to reveal
the precious dust
Exposed and molested by
the charging perversion of
antagonistic wind
Kinky breezes
Wild windstorms
Salacious cyclones
and the bona fide Master Hurricane
Spiraling up through the charges of air
in a burst of speed
Dispersing into the
vintage escapade of
the glorious blue sky
And all remains calm
Unknown "Flower" Daring
- 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago