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Unknown's tales
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I was watching female weightlifting of the snatch method, 63kg category on the Olympics.

This Russian weightlifter failed to lift 112 kg 3 attempts straight.
She won silver in the world championships last year.
She was expected to win at least a medal during this Olympics.
She was out of the running since she couldn't lift during any of her attempts.
She was crying the moment she failed her last attempt.
She banged her head on the wall.

She went back into the warm up area, still crying bitterly
Her hopes dashed and smashed; she couldn't lift the pressure on her back

She can't be consoled.
Unknown "Flower" Daring - 16 years, 6 months, 29 days ago
The Titliation of Katrina

Faded jeans left hanging to dry
on white picket fences
Along rolling lawns of perfect green
Left to the attendance of negro maids
dressed in quaint costumes of tight French apronsuits

Celebrating their freedom
they prance about
in a mock party of curtseys and smiles
Under the spilling sunrays of
a midafternoon
in the care of May

Like thick honey oozing out from that opening in the sky
rejoicing the attraction of drones and worker bees
Fluttering around fields of wild grass
razor and bristly
they sway with their prerogative
held firmly by their strong stalks
Rooted in the ancient soil
which supports all things living

And in their rugged hands
the maids grasp these furry thistles
crushing them into a fine powder
A conglomeration of
Sienna browns and sandpaper tan-
Icing on a sawdust dessert
of rich pine taste
Embracing the mighty Sequoia-
Nature's gift to Man
as a sweet, sweet food

To nourish our bodies
our souls
The connection with
the penetrating pleasures of Gaia's karmic flow
that transcends through
bodily systems
Into an ejection of inspiration
unclenching fists to reveal
the precious dust

Exposed and molested by
the charging perversion of
antagonistic wind
Kinky breezes
Wild windstorms
Salacious cyclones
and the bona fide Master Hurricane

Spiraling up through the charges of air
in a burst of speed
Dispersing into the
vintage escapade of
the glorious blue sky

And all remains calm
Unknown "Flower" Daring - 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
Hey guys! I'll be featuring some of my poems here which I've writen from before. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Cock Fight

Caribbean sunsets in vodka shot glasses
like orange birds of paradise
fluttering down dark portals
into the Samba Andantino of a bartop night

Oasis murmurs in the still of shallow waters.


Guitar Strum. E Minor. A tap on the congo drum
And the cages open
Monster Amazonian birds. Feathers of toucans
and parrots plucked and embellished
on the Flamenco dresses of these full grown women
Full breasted. On heat. Female Mock Fight.
Their beaks curved like sickles
ready to shred, destroy and decimate.

A clap. Music.

The staccato of the castanets clipping in tune with her
Cockatoo feet
This is no human dancing.
Her tight corset twisting towards breastbone
Grinding and spreading like an Eagle
in a fan of healthy bosom-
the crown of bird

Ole! Two thunder claps in the air. Tropical rainstorm.
Strike sexy pose. Fin.

What a Whore

Unknown "Flower" Daring - 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
I had weird dreams last night:
First was some scary shit which involved me accidentally breaking off my two bottom front teeth. Well, needless to say, I woke up immediately touching them- they were still intact, of course.

Then it was some weird-ass house of the dead-like game which I was in, where I was faced with two zombies and I grabbed a cleaver and chopped off their heads. One thing I have to say for sure- they make it look so much easier in those arcade games! Lol!
Unknown "Flower" Daring - 16 years, 8 months ago
Well, Mid Year exam results were a complete underperformance. And I'm feeling like the dumbest shit ever.
I've disappointed my tutors and myself; shortchanged my intellect and what I'm capable of. So so moody now- I could staple something onto someone's head, like how Agent 23 did so in 'Get Smart'. That was a good movie by the way (:

See? Even in times of moderate despair, I'm able to see the light of things.
Ha ha?
Unknown "Flower" Daring - 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
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Unknown "Cowboy" - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
Chanandler Bong
did u get my message good sir?
Chanandler Bong "MeanestGpaDad" Never nice - 16 years, 6 months, 12 days ago
Wai Mun Phoon
Mao Mao is MINE! Hmph!
You have been given He's Mine... Mine ONLY... .
Crafted by Pamelia Shiori
Wai Mun Phoon "♥Pu®e Beauty" Adored - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
Basia-Ramona Christoforou
nice tales
great auction :)
Basia-Ramona Christoforou "Sweetest Angel" My owner is awesome!!!x - 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
Justin Low Yee Wai
so many work so little time...hahaha...take time and relaks! i want lotsa beer!!! hahahah!!!
Justin Low Yee Wai "ღWaiღ" curious - 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
Justin Low Yee Wai
good night is better...LOL!!!
since it's night...get a beer!! hehehe!
You have been given Heineken.
Crafted by Justin Low Yee Wai
Justin Low Yee Wai "ღWaiღ" curious - 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
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