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"Kiss n Tell"
Unknown's tales
Yes, the lexicon goddess is back online!!! oh frabjous day, kallou, kallay!!! probably didn't spell that right but who really cares. a little cold up here in the bush so spending time snuggling with my honey by the wood stove, kids are looking forward to the big day next week, busy time but good. goats and cats and dogs are all doing well, snowed in but hope to be able to shovel out today and maybe get to the store. have more baking to do.... thanks for the messages from those who missed me (missed you all too!!), looking forward to catching up!!!! have a great day, and happy holidays!!! xoxoxox
Unknown "Kiss n Tell" Frisky
- 16 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
and here we are, saturday night again...week has had its ups and downs, money is tight (as always), but freezer is full.... baby goats are arriving, happy and healthy, looks like the transmission has crapped out in my stupid van (DON'T BUY A 2004 DODGE CARAVAN) so i'm without wheels out in the middle of the bush, which can be a good thing (staying home), but makes it much more difficult to get around (actually kinda sucks...).... bought new sandals this week but it's too cold to wear them.... sigh....!!! so sitting back tonight, smoking a big fatty, watching interview with a vampire and biting my bf.... seems like a good way to spend a saturday night at home.... thinking happy thoughts and sending them out there!!!! xoxox
Unknown "Kiss n Tell" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
Saturday night - it's a good day!!! Baby goats arrived today, three little bucklings were born, all healthy and beautiful!!! Moms are doing well too, and I did a big barefoot happy dance down the backyard to celebrate!!! Sun was shining, rain this afternoon (fill the cistern and make the grass green and the flowers and herbs grow), my boys are home, i have the best bf in the world and life is GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy deb!!! xoxoxoxox
Unknown "Kiss n Tell" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago
YAY!!! I'm back with my owner again and happy happy happy!!!! thanks for the good vibes and happy thoughts sent my way!! Sun is shining, my sexy bf is driving me NUTS (gawd he's SOOO hot!!!) and life in general is GOOD!!!! keep smiling, and thanks for the thumbing (and all the rest...) xoxox
Unknown "Kiss n Tell" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
hey!! sunday evening, logged on to find out i was bought and then sold back to the store. very sad. oh well, shit happens. i need a new owner who will love me and take care of me, please.......!!!! other than that, weekend is going GREAT!!!! think happy thoughts, looks like summer is here and life in general is pretty good!!! sending good vibes, please send some back to me!!! xoxo
Unknown "Kiss n Tell" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
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