This poem was written by my gorgeous older sister for my brother who sadly passed away almost 24 years ago.
For Joseph Edward Ohl (27/08/1984 to 15/09/1984)
On this day today,
Our tiny baby was taken away.
Never will we ever forget,
The time we had first time we met.
Today he was there for us to see,
Tomorrow gone up to thee,
Ours hearts ached then, tomorrow forever,
Things won't be the same, ever.
As we remember the nineteen days we had together,
To cuddle hold and wonder whether,
You are watching us from above ,
As we think of you and send our love.
Written by Darlene Booth
Copyright 2008
Shay Bear "Unicorn Dreaming" Cheeky
- 16 years, 8 months, 13 days ago