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"Property of VTE"

"Gatto de Chaos"
180 pts

"Aquarian Chaos"
90 pts

"choochoo dechaos"
70 pts

"love de chaos"
50 pts

50 pts

50 pts
"lord chaos"
50 pts

"schizo de chaos"
50 pts

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50 pts
Unknown's tales
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I've Been Thinking...

By Black Cloud aka Eris

...about "Valentine's" Day. In fact, such thoughts become impossible to block as we head full speed ahead into hearts, teddy bears and whatnot. This is a holiday that many argue was created by Hallmark, however, I must disagree. While they may have piggy backed on a much older celebration, it goes deeper than anything the minds of Hallmark could create. Others might say it was a holiday created by the Church, again I must disagree. We all know how original they are, i.e., the penchant for stealing pagan holidays and renaming them.... I must give "credit" where credit is due....

ONCE UPON A TIME... Lupercalia, a Roman festival, was all the rage. Apparently in honor of the festival the Luperci priests used to go to a cave where Romulus (namesake of Rome) and Remus were nursed by the goddess she-wolf...long story, anyways, they would get to the cave and after the vestal virgins offered their salt cakes, the priests would kill a goat and a dog (or two). The animals' blood was then smeared on some well-bred boys' foreheads. The knives they used to do the smearing of the blood had wool on them and were soaked in milk (must have smelled lovely). Reportedly, this would set off riotous laughter among the boys (no one knows why– it was just expected I guess). Post anointation of the young studs, the priest began working on cutting the goat's skin into strips. From there all the affluent boys were instructed to run through the street lashing the townsfolk, mostly girls, with the strips to ensure fertility and ease in childbirth. Don't get me wrong all the young Roman dames (nobles at that) would line up in the streets to be a "lucky" recipient of said lashings. In addition, there are accounts of all the barren women being taken out into a field and having stones hurled at them(again for fertility and ease in childbirth), either way it sounds like a "great" time.

At the end of the festival there was the sex-lottery (that's right, the sex lottery). All the young hotties would put their names into and urn and hope they got paired up nicely for the following reasons:

a. they would be having sex with their match,

b. ...that match, would be their partner for the entire year,

c. that they might end up marrying said match, due to custom.

Naturally the Church doesn't dig on sex-lotteries (or anything else that isn't wholesome and pure) so Pope Gelasius came along and arbitrarily declared "Valentine's Day," a day before Lupercalia. There is a theory that this was to overshadow and try to absorb the festival (albeit in a diluted fashion)...another long story.

This got me to thinking, has that much really changed? The "giver" in any relationship usually springs for dinner, chocolates (known heightener of mood and aphrodisiac), alcohol and perhaps flowers and other tokens of love. Valentine's or Valentine's Day cards are typically a part of the package. (Sort of serving as a modern day personalized version of the sex lottery, but rigged so that only the "giver" can win.) Gone is the lottery, but...despite the Christian-ization and the Hallmark-ization of Lupercalia, (i.e., saying it is about innocent selfless love and appreciation of your mate)...face it, you want to get laid. You want to be appreciated for all the gifts you "give," if you don't get it, you will lash out- not with goat skin, but in other ways. You do these things in an effort to "win" the promise of sex and/or favor (or I suppose for the rare demure types– love). Nothing altruistic here, never was. That much has remained the same. After all, lil Eros, i.e., "Cupid" was born out of lust rather than love. Basically what you are left with is a more P.C./sensitive way to go about getting what it is that you good luck getting some "loving" and Happy Lupercalia!

Unknown "Property of VTE" Frisky - 17 years, 23 days ago
Dark Signs (February 2008)
By Eris

You are uncharacteristically kind this month. Things that used to annoy you, may now be appealing. Take some time to learn some new a reward, expect plenty of naughtiness to be directed your way.

Work combined with romance, might work. Guard against overly demonstrative overtures, lest someone will get the short end of the stick. In any event, start putting some money aside. Relaxation is a must this month.

To Hades with caution and waiting for them to make the next move, express yourself freely. Explore your uninhibited side. Instead of trying to finish ten projects at once, it might be best to focus on one at a time. Expect delays and plan accordingly.

You must seek to grow individually before your relationships will blossom. Practice being assertive and work on taking care of yourself. As tempting as a shopping spree may be...don’t splurge until the end of the month.

While you may seek to cut yourself off from intimacy, you should not give up just yet. Fate and romance figure prominently. This is the month to be bossy, so don’t shy away from issuing “orders” when you need some assistance.

Your inner rock star wants out, just weigh the consequences... You may finally achieve that elusive harmony you so desperately want and need. Seek to spend time with those who share similar interests and stand up for your socially slandered friends.

Having a deep earning to settle down? That’s all well and good, if you have found the right match. Take time to figure that out and watch what doors you open. Relationships might be rocky despite your desire for calm. Chip away at some long term goals in the meantime.

Love comes easily this year if you can keep your stinger in check. Try switching up the role you usually play to ensure a spicier sex life. Guard against illness and don’ let rumors destroy or undermine relationships and friendships.

While candy might taste awfully good, don’t delude yourself into thinking it has any substance. Wanderlust dies down as you begin craving a little stability and snuggling in your life. Surprises and unexpected expenses are in your future.

You can say you are as independent as you want to, but once the love-bug bites there is little you can do. So what if they aren’t your “type,” maybe your “type” isn’t your “type”...Balance is the key, get more in touch with your intense side for best results.

Have you finally “caught on” that in order to receive sometimes you must give? Bravo...You might finally be ready to shed some long standing fears about love and intimacy. Besides the adrenaline rush, might give you a natural “high.”

Flip-flop your way to the top (normally I’d say “claw,” but in your case...). Be observant in your relationships and don’t let your sensitivity overshadow what you feel in your heart. It may be high time to mend fences with your “enemies.”

Unknown "Property of VTE" Frisky - 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
with sugar on top?
Unknown "Property of VTE" Frisky - 17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
pretty please?
Unknown "Property of VTE" Frisky - 17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
got thumbs? i need some good thumbing...

Unknown "Property of VTE" Frisky - 17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
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Mykel Sinclair

A Guardian Archangel You have been given A Guardian Archangel.
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Norman Stone

You have been given 'Frolic'.
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Norman Stone "Ċuddleβear" Cheeky - 16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
Norman Stone
got your tales huggs:)
Norman Stone "Ċuddleβear" Cheeky - 16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago

You were taken on a trip! You have been taken studying at the library.
Unknown "rAven " Playful - 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
Susannah Popov-Griggs

You have been given Gas Mask Shower Head.
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Susannah Popov-Griggs "שושנה" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
Susannah Popov-Griggs

You have been given a rainy dark day.
Crafted by
Susannah Popov-Griggs "שושנה" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
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Unknown's shop
plethora inc.

anything and everything you may need...

bottle of ouzo
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bottle of ouzo
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1 use

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1 use

500 pts
black mask
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1 use

500 pts
cat of nine tails
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1 use

500 pts
golden apple
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a copy of tropic of capricorn
1 use

400 pts
a copy of tropic of capricorn
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green gnome
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