still the same i havent changed a whole lot . im not home very much still drivin truck so i could be anywhere in north america . be well warned from this date march 28 /08 when a pet gets stolen i will come back after my pets
it seems lately i dont have time to post no new comments or do any thumbing so to those of you who have been thumbing me thank you so very much and to those people i have been thumbing maybe after awhile i will be able to get back into this app for now i am going to set all of my pets free and take a break from human pets see you all soon again a big thanks to all of my friends i have met here on human pets wayne kelly "Ma Trucker"Naughty
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
now that she has seen my tale she is sitting here with a pout on wayne kelly "Ma Trucker"Naughty
- 17 years, 8 days ago
once upon a time a man had a wife that bugged him when he was trying to play in the human pets app if this wife keeps up on the bullshit she is going to find herself in more bullshit than she can handle wayne kelly "Ma Trucker"Naughty
- 17 years, 8 days ago
ok everyone wants some tales so here is a tale , as many of you already know i drive professionally for a living this week while driving in a snow storm i encountered a car coming at me head on after it had passed me going very fast on snow and ice covered roads in the north if i hadnt of been paying attention as i usually do there could have been seroius injuries if not deaths to the people in the 3 vehicles involved i was lucky to miss that car but another car hit it head on after spinning out on the highway luckily there were no injuries only to a pickup truck and a car involved luckily i was not hit ... i guess is what i am trying to say people please use some common sense when on the highways if they are slipperry ..SLOW DOWN if these big trucks are going slow dont you think you should also ???? if i had of been struck guess who would have been at fault ..........thats right the truck driver ... why ... because the trucking industry now is nothing but a money scam for the govt who regulates us way too much and hey i guess we drive the big shiny trucks so they think we can afford it all i am saying is people please use some common sense when driving around the trucks on our highways and help us to do our jobs in continueing to make our highways safe here in canada wayne kelly "Ma Trucker"Naughty
- 17 years, 9 days ago
im not really sure what i am supposed to write in here but at least this is something yes ? wayne kelly "Ma Trucker"Naughty
- 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago