"Free Spirit"Sexy
- 16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
Hey D! I'm having a great wknd... feeling much better now, turns out I was so sick just because i was so burnout, but i got to finish all my work so i'm quit relaxed now... But on Friday I even got to go o the E.R cause I was so sick, my head was about to xplote but the doctor gave me some meds so i was able to start my wknd feeling much better. So how u doing?
"Free Spirit"Sexy
- 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
See? told u i was getting something... Im not feeling so well besides i cannot go to bed cause i got so much left to do!. I'm gonna need some serious purring!
"Free Spirit"Sexy
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
I'm so tired that u can't even imagine... i think im gonna be sick and i got so much to do today!!!!! I just wanna go to bed and watch some tv but I CANT!!!!!!!!!
"Free Spirit"Sexy
- 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
Hey D... How's the cutest pet ever! Hope u had a great day... mine was kind of messed up but i got along with it... It's just that i got so much on my mind right now and i don't know if i can't handle it... so i xploted today and said a couple of things that might have hurt some people... but i worked things out so im feeling much better, besides having my sweet pets around makes me feel so secure and happy. And that's about it, hope u miss me!! XOXO