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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
I saw you last night
Finally I see the truth
You kissed him and not me
Tonight, my heart is no more

Trying to break the stare
Unable to move from the shock
I watched every waking moment
Every kiss and every lie

You said you loved me
You told me your heart was mine
I gave you me soul
And you shattered it in record time

I gave you everything I had
Loved you with every breath
Now I see was only in love with a wall
No heart, no soul, only cold and hollow

Unknown "twisted" Feisty - 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
When eyes open, hearts will fall
When minds widen, guilt begins to call
muscles tense as the mind wonders
You just dont get it, until you start to ponder
Should I ask,should I mention, wait i have a question

When eyes open, hearts will fall
When minds widen, guilt begins to call
As my mind battles, my hands begin to shake
As she locks her eyes with mine, my heart begins to break
Should I ask,should I mention, wait I have a question

When eyes open, hearts will fall
When minds widen, guilt begins to call
As the occasional glance's were made
To be with her, their would be a price to be pay
Should I ask,should I mention, wait I have a question

When eyes open, hearts will fall
When minds widen, guilt begins to call
A smile popped here and there
In those moments my heart flew everywhere
Should I ask,should I mention, wait I have a question

As my windows began rapidly close
The time I had left seemed to act like a dying rose
As the sparkle in her eyes pierced into mine
I sooned realized their would be no next time
Then my eyes opened, my heart began to fall
As my mind widens, guilt began to break through my wall
I should've ask, I should've mentioned, I should have asked the bloody question!
Unknown "twisted" Feisty - 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Little something, Creative Arts student do on their spare time!
Unknown "twisted" Feisty - 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
The day began as a warm and welcoming time. The sun pouring into the rooms, waking up the rested souls. Bouncing out of bed, BUBBLES runs down to find himself stuck in a situation. Should he eat eggs....or pancakes. Finally that decision was made for him, the eggs were rotting in their holding cells. After breakfast, Bubbles runs out to do his weekend errands, coming back with a new gift.
To shatter his well started weekend, the thought of job hunting came crashing into his mind. With his pockets and bank account empty, a small determined smile appears. His journey was accompanied with odd people and new places. The smell of unwashed men and women lingered on the bus ride....Blurring his senses. Finally he runs out to catch his breath and comes across a familiar face. His name, Eagle, a humorous fellow, with his head well shaved. Together they made their way to several market area. Looking for an opening to be filled. Finally after a long and dangerous after noon they come across a pet shop. Filled with all genres of animals, house and exotic, cute and ugly. It was as if a miracle was bestowed upon Bubbles, for they needed a personnel. Afternoon going through a series of questions and a brutish handshake. Bubbles returned home, proud and once again. Able to rest knowing his bank account will be filled in time.
Unknown "twisted" Feisty - 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago

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You have been given You Tease!.
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Unknown "Cookie Monster" Curious - 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago

You have been given ~Just for an Angel~.
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Unknown "Cookie Monster" Curious - 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago

You have been given I am here for you, always.
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Unknown "Cookie Monster" Curious - 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
hey, how are you ?
ttyl bye xo
Unknown "CHEEMSER" Emo - 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago

You have been given Just Checking You Out.
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Unknown "Cookie Monster" Curious - 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago

You have been given I Wish I Could Touch You!.
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Unknown "Cookie Monster" Curious - 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
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