You can join my herd too if you want to.. there you just thumb all the comments for everyone in it and then you can leave up to 5 pages of Spam to get thumbed by everyone else..
this app is all about meeting new people, and having fun.. You get bought and then taken care of by whomever bought you..
You should also joing the canadian herd.. you can chat it there and thumb tall the comments as you go and people thumb all yer comments.. nice way to get points if you feel like chatting..
lol.. its a long story.. well first off.. i see you got the auction figured out.. Second.. you see that thumbs up beside our pics?? you go around clicking on them and it gives people 10 points for each one clicked on.. you cant click on yer own though.. You need to spam yer wall so that people can stop by yer page and click yer thumbs.. Go look at my page to see what I mean.. I have like 71 pages of comments.. most of them mine to get points.. (everyone does it)