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"inans pet :)"
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Unknown's tales
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Who Am I

Wednesday June 23, 2004

A stranger rides into town,
A dusty, wide brimmed hat,
Set upon his brow,
Cloaking his eyes in shadow,
He scan the lonely street,
As a tumble weed slowly bounces by,
He rides to the saloon and dismounts,
Tieing his horse to the hitching rail,
A voice comes from behind,
'Who are you?'
Without turning his head,
He responds,
'You wish to know me?
I am brother to my friends,
A demon to my enemies
I am silent with the stranger,
And talk with the trusted,
Wary to those unknown,
And loyal to those worthy,
I am a wanderer,
For I have no strong roots to hold me down,
But sometimes I meet someone,
Who is worth remembering,
And may cause me to stop a while,
But those are few and far between...
You asked who I am,
And I have answered,
Do you feel you can earn my time?'
He raise's his head and turns,
Revealing steel blue eyes,
'For my time here has past
And the night is calling,'
He mounts his steed,
And rides off into the sunset,
His final words echo in your head,
'Will you follow me?'

By Begore

© 2004 Begore (All rights reserved)
Unknown "🙈🙉🙊" Evasive - 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
Top It Off

Top it Off

The night is young and my heart ache's,
Even more so when confronted with joy,
Leaving me longing for affection,
Yet keeping others at bay to prevent it,
Stretching me beyond limitations,
What has happened to me,
Seeking relief has become my one and only goal,
Yet I cannot help but prevent my healing,
There has to be a cure for this affliction,
The phone rings and I answer,
To hear a friend ask if I want a night on the town,
Why not for it may hold a cure,

So top it off, for the night is still young,
And the beer must keep flowing,
That I might find some peace in the amber liquid,

I go and we enter a bar,
I put money on the counter and ask for a pitcher,
I take it to a table and pour myself a drink,
Downing it in a matter of seconds,
And my cup is refilled,
Deciding to take it slow,
I only drink half this time,
And my cup is quickly refilled,
The minute it hits the table,
Before long another pitcher finds it's way to the table,
For one pitcher still has not dulled my pain,
Mayhap another will,

So top it off, for the night is not over,
And the beer must keep flowing,
That I might find some peace in the amber liquid

I sit with a beer in one hand and a cigar in the other,
Blowing smoke after each drag I take,
Drinking more and more beer as fast as it is filled up,
And the number of empty pitchers continues to increase,
I dont want to see the bottom of the glass,
Because it is my only hope for lessening the pain,
And I can still feel the pain in my cheast,
Driving me to increase my consumption,
In hope that my pain will lessen,
With the more beer I drink,
But it does not seem to ease my pain much,
Yet it is better than nothing,,

So top it off, for it's the last call for alcohol,,
And the beer must keep flowing,
That I might find some peace in the amber liquid

We go to my friends house,
Where he pulls out the liqiour,
Circle of death our choice of game,
The cards are place and I pick a card,
I call out black and flip the card,
It being red I must drink,
My choice of rum, schnaps, and everclear,
I choose everclear, for it packs the most punch,
And I still feel pain in my heart,
Pretty soon we have finished most of the bottles,
So my friend calls it a night,
And I finish what little was left,

So top it off, for there is still beer at home,
And the beer must keep flowing,
That I might find some peace in the amber liquid

I get in my car and drive home,
I stumble into the house and go to my fridge,
Pull out a beer, down it in one gulp, then grab another,
I pull out her picture and a tear comes to my eye,
I speak to her, but she has nothing to say,
For it is just a piece of paper,
But it is all I have left of the happy times,
Pain is all I feel now, so I pull out my knife,
A temporary release from heart ache,
Blade to skin brings blood and a scar,
The beer is soon gone, so I crawl into bed
With misery singing me to sleep

Top it off, Knock'er out, and fill'er up again,
The beer must keep flowing,
That I might find some peace in the amber liquid.....

By Begore

© 2004 Begore (All rights reserved)
Unknown "🙈🙉🙊" Evasive - 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
The Unseen Trap

Monday August 05, 2002

There is a trap for everyone,
Some can avoid it,
for those who cannot,
some can escape,
but they are never the same,
some remain trapped,
and find peace,
some find freedom,
yet they are still captured,
Some bonds still hold true,
even if released from them

A mole was humblily digging,
as they tend to do,
When he broke the surface,
and gazed up into the night sky,
he was captured,
by the beauty of the stars above,
for at one time he was blind,
now he can see,
and he returned each night,
to gaze at them,
Then one night the stars vanished,
and the mole wept,
he continues to return each night,
with the hope that one day,
she would return,
he waits there still....

By Begore

© 2004 Begore (All rights reserved)
Unknown "🙈🙉🙊" Evasive - 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
The Threshold


I stand on a threshold,
Torn between a choice,
2 path's I have to choose from,
One to scale a mountain,
The other leads into darkness,
I sit to consider my options,
When out of the darkness,
Appears a cloaked figure,
Beckoning me to follow,
I look up and see the sun,
But what good is the sun,
If it brings me no warmth,
My decision seems clear,
But something holds me back,
And so I remain at the threshhold,
But for how long is unknown

By Begore

© 2004 Begore (All rights reserved)
Unknown "🙈🙉🙊" Evasive - 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
The Road


There is a road,
A road that cannot be found,
The road finds you,
It is a road that many travel,
A road that leads to many ends,
Many dread finding it,
And discovering where it will lead them,
But those that travel it,
No longer care where it leads,
For an end is all that matters to them,

I am on such a road,
Hurled onto it's path,
By the one I cared for most,
I now walk this road alone,
Tossed aside and shunned by her,
Thrown onto this road by my one mistake,
When the bad make mistakes,
They seem to get another chance,
But when the good make a mistake,
They are condemned to eternal suffering,

I need to get off this road,
But I have no desire to leave it,
There is nothing for me off the road,
Nothing ahead of me but the road,
The road is all I have left,
So I follow the road,
Hoping it leads me to oblivion.....

By Begore

© 2004 Begore (All rights reserved)
Unknown "🙈🙉🙊" Evasive - 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #808) cool profile
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
thats where your little pet come from.. just wanna show you that i could be as sweet as this chocolate mountains ^-^
You have been given Chocolate Hills Trip,Philippines.
Crafted by Ryan Buaron
Unknown "inans pet :)" Crazy - 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
thx u thx u thx u soooooooooooo much Sweets!!!!!!!!
Ebby "goxel's" Loving - 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago

You have been given *ALL I HAVE*MY HEART*MY LOVE*.
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Ebby "goxel's" Loving - 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago

You have been given *ROSES FOR 'YOU*.
Crafted by
Ebby "goxel's" Loving - 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago

You have been given *SWEET*SWEETER*S WEETEST*.
Crafted by
Ebby "goxel's" Loving - 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
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