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phil | - Free online hangout and friends
Lea owns this human at 50 points.


Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): the chicken coop, zammos
Herds: The BRITISH herd
phil's tales
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well done canada in the ice hockey
phil "legend" Playful - 15 years, 29 days ago
i just started anew herd called doppelgangers,come and join,all good fun ,link on my page
phil "legend" Playful - 15 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
i sang to my neighbour in your bathroom because im sexy and i do what i want
phil "legend" Playful - 15 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
This is fun to do. Just read the 'offence' and if you've done it, you owe that fine.
You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.
NOTE fines to be added once, not for how ever many times you have done it.
Smoked weed -- £10Did acid or pills -- £5Ever had sex at church -- £25
Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- £40
Had sex with someone on MySpace/Facebook/Bebo etc -- £25
Had sex for money -- £100Ever had sex with a Puerto Rican -- £20
Vandalized something -- £20Had sex on your parents' bed -- £10
Beat up someone -- £20Been jumped -- £10Cross dressed -- £10
Given money to stripper -- £25Been in love with a stripper -- £20
Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- £0.10
Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- £15Ever drive and drank -- £20
Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- £50
Used toys while having sex -- £30
Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- £20
Went skinny dipping -- £5Had sex in a pool -- £20
Kissed someone of the same sex -- £10Had sex with someone of the same sex -- £20
Cheated on your significant other -- £10Masturbated -- £10
Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend -- £20
Done oral -- £5Got oral -- £5
Done / got oral in a vehicle while it was moving -- £25Stole something -- £10
Had sex with someone in jail -- £25
Made a nasty home video or took pictures -- £15Had a threesome -- £50
Had sex in public -- £20Been in the same room while someone was having sex --£25
Stole something worth over more than a hundred quid-- £20
Had sex with someone 10 years older -- £20
Had sex with someone under the age accepted by rule of thumb (half your age plus 7) -- £25
Been in love with two people or more at the same time-- £50
Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- £25Went streaking -- £5
Went streaking in broad daylight -- £15Been arrested -- £5
Spent time in jail -- £15Pissed in the pool -- £0.50Played spin the bottle -- £5
Done something you regret -- £20Had sex with your best friend -- £20
Had sex with someone you work with at work -- £25Had anal sex -- £80
Lied to your mate -- £5Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- £25
Tally it up and put it on ur status as: "My Fine Is..." copy and paste, then repost as a new bulletin.
phil "legend" Playful - 15 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Don't spoil the fun keep it going, copy and paste the message and pass it on!............
Type out the sentence you end up with in the subject line and forward it to all your mates...also set it as your status and don't forget to send it back to the person who sent it to you............this ought to be fun!!!..

Pick the month you were born in.....
January - I kicked
February - I loved
March - I karate chopped
April - I licked
May - I jumped on
June - I danced with
July - I did the Macarena with
August - I had lunch with
September - I sang to
October - I smelled
November - I yelled at
December - I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on........
1 - a birdbath
2 - a monster
3 - a phone
4 - a fork
5 - a snowman
6 - a nun
7 - my mobile phone
8 - my dog
9 - my best friend
10 - my neighbour
11 - my science teacher
12 - a banana
13 - a baseball bat
14 - a stuffed animal
15 - a goat
16 - a pickle
17 - your mom
18 - a spoon
19 - a smurf
20 - a fireman
21 - a ninja
22 - Chuck Norris
23 - a noodle
24 - a squirrel
25 - a troll
26 - my sister
27 - my boss

28 - a homeless guy
29 - a surfer
30 - a football player
31 - a llama

What is the last number of the year you were born....
1 - in my car
2 - on a motorcycle
3 - in a hole
4 - under your bed
5 - on your car
6 - on a roof
7 - in an elevator
8 - at the dinner table
9 - in a line at the bank
0 - in your bathroom

Pick the colour of your t-shirt/shirt you are wearing.....
White - because i'm cool like that
Black - because i was drinking tequila, again
Pink - because i'm only in it for the good times
Red - because the voices told me too
Blue - because i'm sexy and i do what i want!
Green - because i am awesome!!!
Purple - because i need some serious help!
Gray - because Big Bird told me to and he's my leader
Yellow - because someone offered me 20 dollars
Orange - because i saw it on the internet
Brown - bhayecause i can
Other - because it sounded like a good idea
None - because i can't control myself
phil "legend" Playful - 15 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
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Madame Otter

A Full English You have been given A Full English.
Crafted by Paul
Madame Otter " " Feisty - 7 years, 5 months, 8 days ago
Darla Dudley
Happy Birthday Phil :)
Lets Party on! it's your Bday You have been given Lets Party on! it's your Bday.
Crafted by Mz Spanky
Darla Dudley "Lady D" summer time (^_^) - 13 years, 6 months, 21 days ago

Crafted by Helen The Hermit
phil - 13 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
AnGeL Of ThE NiGhT xXx

Happiness for your page You have been given Happiness for your page .
Crafted by Dianne
AnGeL Of ThE NiGhT xXx "Dead" NOT FOR SALE ♥ AWAY - 14 years, 2 days ago
AnGeL Of ThE NiGhT xXx

Sending You Big Hugs ♥ You have been given Sending You Big Hugs ♥.
Crafted by AnGeL Of ThE NiGhT xXx
AnGeL Of ThE NiGhT xXx "Dead" NOT FOR SALE ♥ AWAY - 14 years, 15 days ago
AnGeL Of ThE NiGhT xXx
Wishing youl a Fantastic 2011
_________ ♥ღϠ₡ღ♥______________
♥ღϠ₡ღ♥ Happy New Year ♥ღϠ₡ღ♥
__________ ♥ღϠ₡ღ♥______________
AnGeL Of ThE NiGhT xXx "Dead" NOT FOR SALE ♥ AWAY - 14 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
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phil's shop
phils shop

a shop for all to buy my stuff

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reserved for my owner
1 use

200 pts
reserved for my owner
Bought by 8 people
not guilty
1 use

200 pts
not guilty
Bought by 9 people
best owner award
1 use

200 pts
best owner award
Bought by 8 people
your the best
1 use

200 pts
your the best
Bought by 4 people
top owner award
1 use

200 pts
top owner award
Bought by 11 people
friends forever
1 use

200 pts
friends forever
Bought by 2 people
in the spotlight
1 use

200 pts
in the spotlight
Bought by 7 people
i am trouble
1 use

200 pts
i am trouble
Bought by 5 people
visit from roland
1 use

200 pts
visit from roland
Bought by 1 people
trip to grange hill
1 use

200 pts
trip to grange hill
Bought by 1 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 3 people
grange hill sausage
1 use

200 pts
grange hill sausage
Bought by 2 people
did you fart
1 use

200 pts
did you fart
Bought by 21 people
wanna hug you
1 use

200 pts
wanna hug you
Bought by 11 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 9 people
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