people could tell lots of stories about you! i have a good one you lived with me for 8 months only paid $900 in rent i paid all rent, all food, all electricity. brought you clothes, gave you money when you had none, did running around for your business and wot did i get .....the normal RIPPED OFF
funny that u sit on a computer all day while a supposedly good friend loses his house because of you. Act like a man and face up to what you have done instead of sending yr slapper to do it all. By the way not on the dole have two jobs. unlike some. Grow up Bishop and stop ripping people OFF by the way is my name and photo funny cos that not ur car neva was you dont even have one lol
funny people who try get kicked in the guts the ones who sit on there arse on the dole who dont even try to be any thing act like this put your real pic up and cut the act chris enough people in nannup could tell your lovely storey is that why your name changes so much ?
- 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
A Busselton man has been fined just over $250,000 for illegally making bricks.
Jamie Bishop of Busselton Paving Products was fined in the Bunbury Magistrates Court for mining sand and creating bricks on his Ludlow property without a permit.
The court heard Bishop's application to mine the sand was rejected by the local shire but he continued his activities regardless.
Magistrate Paul Heaney fined Bishop $30,000 as well as $1,000 for each day he operated without a permit.
see you still cant write so people understand you. go back to school maybe you can become a carpenter or an engineer instead of stealing houses off of old men who have never done anything to you. At least he has us to love him, what have you got.