Hi Drew!! Hope your doing well!!! I dont come on pets much, but I wanted to come on today and say hi to all my pets, as I have been neglectful!!LOL Love you honey!! Mary
"All Mine"Curious
- 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
Hey Drew!! Are you still spending all your time on pacrat???LOL!! IM addicted to Geuss the sketch now. I have a few other favorites as well, I do miss pacrat a little, but I have more time too do other apps now, so it works for me.!! Have not heard from you in a while, so give me a holler!! Remember my email....lazydaze2@yahoo.com Love ya honey!! Mary
"All Mine"Curious
- 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
Hey Andrew, Dont feel bad!!!! The game was taking over my life!!LOL< Even making me late for work!!LOL!! I went up North too my cottage for 2 weeks over fourth of July, and while I was up there with no computer, thats when I realized it!!! I was like Dam half my day was spent looking for stupid cards, I did accomplish one feat on it so thats good enough for me!!! I will stick with my human pets, fb houses, and speed racing.LOL!! I also like all the word challenge games. Maybe some day I will add it again when I have more free time.LOL!!! Glad you added me back!!! Love you too!! Love,Mary
"All Mine"Curious
- 16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
Hi Andrew, dont know if you got myll message..... I got rid of pack rat, I was spending way too much time on it too the point where I was not even checking who I was taking from........ You dont have too worry or anyone else as I deleted it.... Please dont be sore at me!!!! Love ya....Mary