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Amanda MacKool | - Free online hangout and friends
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Amanda MacKool
Amanda MacKool
"Sexy Ninja"

Amanda MacKool
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

About me:
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Herds (lead): Ninja needs thumbs ^_^
Herds: BBW (Big Beautiful Women)
Amanda's tales
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Amanda MacKool this weekend was eventful...both boys sick as hell..spent most of sat night at the ER..then me sick as hell..haven't eaten in like 3 days weak and tired..sighs..just wish this was sorry..thats why i haven't been around..
Amanda MacKool "Sexy Ninja" Content - 13 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
Amanda MacKool
Repost in your tales with your answers......

Yes or No
1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No!
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and Asks!

Now, here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil the Fun. Copy and paste this into your tales, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then see what happens.

Kissed any one of your HP friends? no
Been arrested? no
Kissed someone you didn't like? no
Slept in until 5 PM? yes
Fallen asleep at work/school? yes
Held a snake? yes
Ran a red light? yes
Been suspended from school? yes
Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? yes
Been fired from a job? yes
Sang karaoke? no
Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? no
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? no
Kissed in the rain? no
Sang in the shower? yes
Sat on a rooftop? no
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? no
Broken a bone? yes
Shaved your head? no
Blacked out from drinking? yes
Played a prank on someone? yes
Felt like killing someone? yes
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? yes
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? no
Been in a band? no
Shot a gun? yes
Tripped on mushrooms? no
Donated Blood? no
Eaten alligator meat? no
Eaten cheesecake? yes
Still love someone you shouldn't? no
Think about the future?yes
Believe in love? yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? yes
Amanda MacKool "Sexy Ninja" Content - 13 years, 6 months, 25 days ago
Amanda MacKool
Sorry I haven't been around much, been caught up in Combat Arms o.o
Amanda MacKool "Sexy Ninja" Content - 13 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
Amanda MacKool
So I haven't been on much, been neglecting a few friends and that kills me. I got so in wrapped in something so stupid. But I plan on checkin in here and hopefully around more on messengers. I am sorry if I have hurt you..and I hope you can forgive me..I love you dearly and I don't want things to change. (you know who you are)
Amanda MacKool "Sexy Ninja" Content - 16 years, 6 months, 9 days ago
Amanda MacKool
yay I'm back, and with a new tattoo ^_^ Seen in photos above *points up* my Naruto peeps should know what it is...or...atleast better lol ;)
Amanda MacKool "Sexy Ninja" Content - 16 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
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For you Amanda.

Rakiep, grow up. Don't bring our problems to her page.
A Spidey Dance For You You have been given A Spidey Dance For You.
Crafted by Spider-Man
Spider-Man "Spidey" Ecstatic - 13 years, 5 months ago

Not so amazing Spider-man You have been given Not so amazing Spider-man .
Crafted by Unknown
Rakiep Lazy - 13 years, 5 months, 11 days ago

a smile You have been given a smile.
Crafted by fEXxLEiGH
Spider-Man "Spidey" Ecstatic - 13 years, 6 months ago

Tachi You have been given Tachi .
Crafted by Unknown
Spider-Man "Spidey" Ecstatic - 13 years, 6 months, 4 days ago
Danny Gaudreau

Love You You have been given Love You.
Crafted by Unknown
Danny Gaudreau "Dan The Man" Ecstatic - 13 years, 6 months, 4 days ago

Sending you a big smile :D You have been given Sending you a big smile :D.
Crafted by SuperBoo
Spider-Man "Spidey" Ecstatic - 13 years, 6 months, 5 days ago
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Amanda's shop

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1 use

200 pts
Bought by 5 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 4 people
Ninja Skillz: I Has Dem
1 use

200 pts
Ninja Skillz: I Has Dem
Bought by 16 people
Plucky go down the hole
1 use

200 pts
Plucky go down the hole
Bought by 34 people
Wet Dream
1 use

200 pts
Wet Dream
Bought by 59 people
Popcicles by Creepy Old Guy
1 use

200 pts
Popcicles by Creepy Old Guy
Bought by 13 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 14 people
Your an Asshat
1 use

200 pts
Your an Asshat
Bought by 50 people
Good Ole Fashion Ball Rub
1 use

200 pts
Good Ole Fashion Ball Rub
Bought by 28 people
Thinking of You
1 use

200 pts
Thinking of You
Bought by 28 people
A Drinking Buddy
1 use

200 pts
A Drinking Buddy
Bought by 139 people
Sexy No Jutsu Flying Kiss
1 use

200 pts
Sexy No Jutsu Flying Kiss
Bought by 24 people
Flowbee haircut
1 use

200 pts
Flowbee haircut
Bought by 17 people
Hello Kitty AK
1 use

200 pts
Hello Kitty AK
Bought by 20 people
Titty Twister
1 use

200 pts
Titty Twister
Bought by 42 people
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