as the nite goes on, we stalked people, snooping out there abouts, just following them. even though i was eager just to have a quick bite. my throat burning for the taste of fresh blood. we covered half the city that nite, marking our prey, for the next nite to come. as dawn starts to break, we head back to there hide out, somewhere in the mountians. Since im new in the gang, i get to sleep on the floor *sug*. i lay down, falling asleep, as i get flash bakcs of the people i killed that nite. i wake up, my whole body wet of all the sweat, as a gasp for air to breath
Unknown "KING OF LIGHT" Hopeless
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
i get onto my bike, cruising through town, looking at all the people wondering around, as if they have nothing to do. i get this warm sensation inside of me, the need of BLOOD. everything seems so clear. i see this guy walking alone, thinking to myself, this is a easy target. i park the bike and follow him into a alley. with out a struggle i have him down, sucking his warm blood, OMG it feels amazing. My whole body comes alive. I finish him off and get going to the party again. I get to the party there a lot of people tonite. I hear someone calling my name, its the person from the other nite. I walk over abd we start chatting, asking her whats happening. In shock i start laughing, thinking to myself this is awesome, i can start my own army. we walk to the rest of the Blood Gang as they call themselves, and i get introduced to the master
Unknown "KING OF LIGHT" Hopeless
- 17 years, 7 days ago
i feel this burning feeling inside me, i run to the bathromm, looking into the mirror, OMG, my veins, what the fuck. i see how they are getting visible, from my neck upwards.my head acking, feeling like its gonna pop any minute. my jaws and teeth hurting. i blacked out, waking up at the beginning of nite. holy shit, i feel amazing, stronger, faster, my sences, its its freaken awesome. i get dressed, black boots, pants, silky black shirt, and hell yes, my black jacket. its nite all ready, got everything together for that party.
Unknown "KING OF LIGHT" Hopeless
- 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
my head still aching, i look at my cell, lots of miss calls from my friends family. i start panicking, what am i gona tell them. *knock knock* i hear at the front door, i look through the window, o shit its cops. i take my clothes off, put new ones on, and open the door. Morning i greeted them, and let them come in, they sat down and asked me question about my friend, if i knew where he is. i told them last time i saw him was at this party. i told him about the drugs, drink etc, and that they are having another one tonite. cops finally left, getting myself ready to go out side. i got out side, and it felt like some one was burning me up from inside, i ran back and closed the doors and curtains.
Unknown "KING OF LIGHT" Hopeless
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
*beep beep* goes the alarm, time to get up. i open the one eye putting the fone on snooze. i get up slowly, not wanting to do nothing. i stand infront of the mirror, brushing my teeth, wondering and thinking what i did last nite. flashes start to run through my mind, seeing blurry pictures. i sit down on the bath, trying to figure out, what the fcuk. i close my eyes, trying to see who this person is. i get glimpses, of n party, people, drinks, drugs. i see my friend and a girl dissapear into the bushes. *my head starts aching* wondering whats happening. i get more flushes, this time blood, my friend and alot of people. the girl is missing. everything is coming back to me, my clothes that i got on, is still full of blood and torn into pieces. i can only remeber going outside to look for my friend, all i saw, wasa this girl he was with, biting him in his neck, ripping him apart. he was shaking of all the blood he lost. she looks at me and smile, her mouth covered in blood, dripping from her long teeth. i started running back, and then i woke up in my bed.
Unknown "KING OF LIGHT" Hopeless
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago