My hunnie has been gone fo rtwo days. He will come back home and I am on nightshifts. I will not be able to see him untill after work. Oh how I miss him.
When you stroll through here BABE!!!!! I Love you. Smooch smooch...
You are just so amazing... WILLIAM ;}
*********************************************************************** Unknown"sexxy"Feisty
- 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
Like this vid.... Enjoyed the remix or remake of this song... ;D
Went for a very nice and lovely drive today with my hunny. Took in a little bit of a nature trail and some ocean scenery. The weather was just right and the experience was refreshing and just left me wanting MORE!!!! What a beautiful town I live in. So heres to more nature walks and long sunny drives with my guy.....
- 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago