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Tandi Viljoen

Tandi Viljoen
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Tandi's tales
Tandi Viljoen

Love is a mix of emotions you have towards him. It normally starts out with the butterflies in your stomach when he calls to make a date to see you. The moist hands when you see him entering through the door and smiling at you. The feeling of your heart leaping in your throat when he reaches out to touch your hand. The excitement when you are getting ready to go out with him for a one on one date. That feeling when your legs become jelly when his lips touch yours for the first time.

You start feeling safe in his arms like you never felt before. When you are together you have so much fun even if you are just at home watching a movie. You can do things with him that you never did with anyone else before. Your friendship circle grows and friendships you never thought of will grow on you too. The tingling feeling when he whispers sweet words in your ear when you are a get together with friends.

You sometimes feel the angst when he doesn’t come home the normal time and don’t get a text to justify the reason. The relief when his car pulls up in the driveway and the joy when he walks into the house. The warm feeling when he is behind the counter pouring the two of you a glass of wine.

You can lie in bed for three hours in his arms and not say a word but it feels like the best conversation you had in ages. You start trusting him with your whole heart and will allow him to take your life in his hands. You know that if there were one person who would cherish it, it would be him.

A relationship is the best feeling a person can have but it isn’t always just happy thoughts like it is told in an old fairy tale. You start feeling the jealousy when he looks at the girl that is younger than you with a rack twice the size of yours and smiles. The anger when he forgets that it is your 15th month anniversary and comes home with the guys to watch the football match and all you wanted was to spend a nice quiet evening at home.

Sadness sometimes overtakes your body when he doesn’t understand your point or worse if he doesn’t want to. The disappointment when he decides to spend the weekend with the guys instead of the weekend you had planed.

Love is something special you share with someone special. The important thing is to always remember why you love him, why you trust him. There will be bad times in any relationship but the both of you should have to be prepared to work through it. There is no thing as all moonshine and roses! Love is the greatest feeling anyone can have but is should be maintained in a healthy way from both parties.

My advice is that anyone who is so fortunate to have it should cherish it and do anything in your power to maintain it. A relationship takes work from both sides and not either party must forget that. One thing you should also remember is that a story has two sides.

Tandi Viljoen Loving - 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
Tandi Viljoen
Hey guys...let me know what you think?

Eyes is the window to your soul

When I was 10 we were sitting in the Sunday school class and the teacher asked us what was the window to your soul. Many answers popped up and none to be correct and then a little boy jumped up and said it must be your private parts…the whole class of course started to laugh and even though it was entertaining the answer was still incorrect.

The correct answer was in fact your eyes. Your eyes are the window into your soul and it will shine a bright light into your soul but if your eyes are evil your soul will be lit up with a dark light, a evil light.

I agree with that statement but there is also other ways to see into your soul I think. When you look at a person’s eyes you can tell a lot about them and who they are. If you look at the guy sitting one the peer you can see the sadness in his eyes. The lost of a loved one is still very shallow in his heart. You can see that he loved her and he doesn’t mind showing emotion.

Your neighbour playing with his new born baby and love in his eyes. The proud ness of being a father and being in charge of someone’s life. You see it in his eyes and also the worry and fear of what would become to that child in the land of ours. Mixed emotions can be seen in a person’s eyes.

The emotion you feel is reflected in your eyes and therefore people can tell if something is wrong or different. Your outlook on life is an indication of what your soul portrays. That is when the window to your soul is open and revealed. It’s not the emotions that are shown but your outlook. How you see things in live and what you want to do about things.

Would you consider committing a murder or would you rather just ignore the adulteress bitch that stole your husband? Would you give back the money that the guy in the line dropped before you or would you pick it up and give it back?

Answering a few questions can give you an indication as to what kind of person you are. The way you see things in life and whether you are willing to change things to make a difference. Opening up to someone you trust is also very important. There just come a time to offload and after that you will feel so much better. Perhaps even a new person!

Your soul is something that belongs to you! Only you can decide what to do with it.

Tandi Viljoen Loving - 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Tandi Viljoen
Granny and Gramps

I’m not fortunate enough to still have a grandmother or grandfather. To be quite honest I never knew my grandfather. The greatest gift for a child is to have grandparents who love them dearly. Who will always listen and try to give the best advice.

I came across a person with the screen name Granny’s Attic and then became friends with her. We then started sending each other emails and before we knew it we started chatting on IM and she became my granny. She listened to what I had to say and never judged me in any way. She helped where she could and just gave me virtual huggs when needed. You might notice that huggs are spelled wrong but she taught me that hugg is always special with that wee bit squeeze in the end.

The past year I realized what I was missing out on but Granny Diane was eager to be that special granny in my life. She might be only old enough to be my mother but I don’t mind. Being a granny doesn’t come with age but all depends what is in your heart and Diane doesn’t have a just any heart. Her heart is solid gold and she is willing to sell a piece to you if you are willing to buy it with your respect and trust.

Gramps also started becoming part of my life even though he thinks I have a funny accent. I’m from South Africa, what did you guys think I sound like? I’m lucky enough to call them my grandparents and hope everyone realizes how special these two people are! Don’t take their friendship lightly cause I can guarantee you that your friendships means the world to them no matter how small.

Now that I don’t chat to her that often I do realize how much I really miss her and love her. I always look forward to payday cause I can then hear her voice, believe me it is even better than chatting :)

Thank you Diane and Ron for being the people who you are. Don’t change a thing about you two.

Tandi Viljoen Loving - 17 years, 2 days ago

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grace andrew
by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew "BEST GRACE YET!" - 10 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
Trouble Maker
Happy Birthday Tandi!!!
Happy Birthday ! You have been given Happy Birthday !.
Crafted by Unknown
Trouble Maker "Hot Stuff" Mischief Managed!! - 15 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
Trouble Maker

Happy Birthday Balloons You have been given Happy Birthday Balloons.
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Trouble Maker "Hot Stuff" Mischief Managed!! - 15 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
Trouble Maker

Happy Birthday Wishes You have been given Happy Birthday Wishes.
Crafted by Unknown
Trouble Maker "Hot Stuff" Mischief Managed!! - 15 years, 7 months, 2 days ago

An angel to guide and protect u You have been given An angel to guide and protect u.
Crafted by Kira
Lone "My Sweet Lone♥" Purring - 15 years, 7 months, 5 days ago
Ronald S Perrone Sr

i treasure our friendship~♥ You have been given i treasure our friendship~♥ .
Crafted by Layla Sonja
Ronald S Perrone Sr Tender - 15 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
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Tandi's shop
smurf's shop of fun

You will get a pet from me when you buy something so dont be suprised when you see me in your action box.

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