well, here is a song i like (it really is something, i don't put song's just for post a tale, maybe you should hear it).....
Group: Zeromancer.... Song: Send me an Angel
Unknown"Cutie [;"
- 16 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
mmm.... i think my teachers doesn't have a heart, coz they didn't care that i almost die this semester.... but still, somehow i don't care about that (univ.)... I have something else on my mind......... you can ask what is it...
Well, this is a music i like a lot.... please hear it, it's great...
Unknown"Cutie [;"
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
esta bien, 2 semanas y mi familia no esta, estoy empezando a pensar que desaparecieron...aaa... bueno, cosas que pasan.... Unknown"Cutie [;"
- 16 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
ammmm.... pues esto es otro poco de lo que escucho, pero ammm... no encontre el que queria poner jajaja... tons este esta 2-2.... haber que tal..... La cancion es: Colder
Unknown"Cutie [;"
- 16 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
There is a time when you realice how the ppl see you, how you really are, how is that maybe there are things that can't change... but there is no need to say things that everyone knows, silly things.... Maybe i'm different because i do care about some ppl... There is times when i think that this is not what should happen... And of course i want to be happy, i give everything just to be happy, all my heart and all what takes for it.... well... I'm crazy that's what ppl say... yea i'm crazy Unknown"Cutie [;"
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago