Just finished packin all my shizit and am waiting for the Taxi to come and take me to the airport...off to the land of sushi and ramen...see ya all when I get back from Japan in 3 weeks...hmmm...can pets survive for 3 weeks without food or water??
Unknown"My tEDDY bEar"Perplexed
- 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
hehe...so tired!
We just wrapped up filming a commercial that I got to star in...well not STAR...im one of 3 main characters...still though it was so much fun!
Cool thing is that they are going to release the screening at Jack Johnson's next concert and it will also be aired internationally!
Unknown"My tEDDY bEar"Perplexed
- 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
Im back and man did I have a blast...I had such a great time I want to move there. The people of thailand are probably the nicest overall people I have met so far, they truly made the trip an awsome one! Not to mention I got to ride an elephant through the forest,go rafting down a river, and play with coconut picking monkies! Dont even get me started on all the great shopping and excellent food...huuh...now back to the real world got to work so I can pay all the bills and save for my next vacation...hahaha...can't wait...2 months then off to Japan and Korea...yeahhh!!! Unknown"My tEDDY bEar"Perplexed
- 17 years, 4 days ago
ok...this is it folks...leaving in 4 hours see yall in 2 1/2 weeks Please dont forget me! LOL
Unknown"My tEDDY bEar"Perplexed
- 17 years, 20 days ago
YEAHHHH!!! I am leaving for THailand tomorrow and am SO excited...Please anyone who can can give me any tips or suggestions on some cool spots to check out like clubs or bars...whatever you can say would be much appreciated! THNX!!! Unknown"My tEDDY bEar"Perplexed
- 17 years, 20 days ago
by grace Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( graceandrew001@hotmail.com ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( graceandrew001@hotmail.com ) fs
grace andrew
- 10 years, 10 months, 22 days ago