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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 34567 points.


"Killer by :) - K"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Looking for:
Herds (lead): RAWR
Herds: ~♥♥THUMBS R FREE♥♥~, Scensters/chill emo's, !!-Music-!!
20000 pts

"Desi Derata"
672 pts
408 pts
"Derager Slayer"
80 pts
80 pts

"John Denver"
80 pts

70 pts

"Erin tin tin"
50 pts

50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
Conversations with an existential robot

Falling into this world is a crime
Built by my father I follow his designs
Although it seems I may have a choice i do not
Every inch of escape denied by what is wrought
meticuluously around me, and through my torture I give definition to testament
Sacrifice is not a choice made from love it is given in fear
Fear of losing someone, yourself, giving them the chance you never had
Karma they call it...but im a machine...surely my karma is my makers
Deep seeded problems crack the encrypted code and bring to surface a very intereseting light that right and wrong are just two sides of the same coin
Any point? Yeah right!
Referencing light to dark is like comparing souls and people
One cannot exist without the others polar compliment..the good that gives evil a bad a spirit who came to life only to complain..
But I do not need to worry myself with this- I am dead to the world now
like an empty pop machine on the side of a highway that no one knows
Even if somebody cared I couldnt help them to become any better
My logic dilutes the promises of love: it simply isnt real
like a child crying for a balloon he saw in one of his dreams
they cannot help me because i can be no better
You have hope I know and you say you have love too
but theres difference between your reality and the truth
Your perception of love is simply a need,
a need to fit so badly into a picture that was ment to be taken without you
And there you are loving your way through life trying to love everyone that is nothing more than your direct competition for the act of giving love, your threat, your family, your enemy, yourselves....survival wouldnt be half as bad if you didnt half to survive each others "love"
Nobodys ever killed out of love or hate
its simply a need to fit the things that werent ment to be
I know that it is cold without this need
and thats why i will never love-I want to love but i dont need it at all
So on the opposite side of the coin am I still free to make a choice? are you? does anything really fit at all? Are we supposed to conflict and agree in a cycle of nonsensical ups and downs that are neither right nor wrong?
Thats the problem. It just doesnt equate, because when you look close enough you will see the good in every evil and the vain nature of all good deeds.
What do you honestly expect? Confirmation that what your doing in life is right?
I may be a robot but even I know that its not that easy to feel justified.
Unknown "Killer by :) - K" Playful - 17 years, 9 days ago
Last Words
Bright lights falsh around me as my thoughts manifest themselves into a reality that i can now accept..beyond the borders of mockery and contempt i bear witness to the dawning of a new age...madness...
Is nobody the same as me? is nobody afraid? fearless is a word ment for strength not be afraid is to be alive...concerned what will happen in the future...carelessness is fearless...and this will be my undoing...
a weapon must be found against ourselves...secretly we must on one against the long must we walk among those who hold the key and never take it for better use? A child like view of things is clearly a better perception then the tortured reality we make of ourselves and the things we have done to others...our lives....our lies...our secrets....all leading to an epiphany that someone will write about us in our eulogy...condemned to be as someone else will say.
Unknown "Killer by :) - K" Playful - 17 years, 9 days ago
The Dead Living
It was a cold night, frost falling from the lips of a thousand frozen people.
One still moment and the night is over. Men and women together huddle for warmth,and pray for mercy, or death. The only thing worth saving in this life is your breath. Each and every molecule is a fragment of a cycle that was designed to never let you go.Safety in numbers, as they say, but it is not always this way. Alone in the night is the only way one can survive. Eat the fallen and cherish their demise.They lost their life so that you could take yours back. In debt to death, you must kill to appease. An ancient hunger returns to devour what remains. An empty body, a monument to life. This is the nature of the beast.Survival of the fittest doesnt mean the strongest, just the most suited to its environment.So a healthy appetite comes in handy when theres more on your plate than you could ever eat.The nerve of obedience without reward holds no limits to steel ones resolve while stepping into oblivion forever.This darkness will never pass, this is reality.The sun will never shine again and you will die alone. -KK
Unknown "Killer by :) - K" Playful - 17 years, 9 days ago

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just droppin' by You have been given just droppin' by.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown Peaceful - 15 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
hey, when exactly do you get stuck in the house due to the snow?
Unknown Peaceful - 16 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
really cool profile pic. (lol <3 lights)
Unknown Peaceful - 16 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
~sigh~ not quite the style of music I enjoy. Guess that's not going to be an excuse for me to travel up north XP

but dark stuff usually have funny names, and ....... did you do the legos or do you just have an obsession with them?

I love how you added so little friends on it and all your infos are messed up except for location. lol.

so yea i think i'm sticking to your tales. (yes, still need to read them. slightly irresponsible owner is trying to be a responsible student right now...xp)
Unknown Peaceful - 16 years, 4 months, 24 days ago
talking about conspircy theory... did you know that Mythbuster tried the US moon walk one?
I love mythbuster
Unknown Peaceful - 16 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
oh wow, i've never been that up north in canada b4...
what's a fruit stand?
wow, i never quite thought about seasonal jobs like living it that way...

ah, it seems like i caught you at bad timing, but hey, yes it's fall. my midterms are coming up but i imagine we can actually interact more when winter holiday falls on me. (given that whoever owned you before doesn't pop up anymore.. or etc.)

band stuff is cool... any recorded ones? =P
Unknown Peaceful - 16 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
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Unknown's shop

A little bit of this...a litlle of that...whole lot of whatever the hell that is...

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