If you don't thumb me, I'll eat your car...
Unknown "sexy" Ferocious
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
Several of you have asked for my stats so here goes. Height: 400' H, Weight: 60,000 tons, Eyes: yellowish green, Hair: large, armored plating, alge and plankton colored, Species: based on a Tyrannosaurus Rex, augmented with the dorsal fins of a Stegosaurus and the forelimbs of an Iguanodon, Sign: Pisces, Favorite food: SUV's
Unknown "sexy" Ferocious
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
A lot of people ask me how i got my name. its derived from a stage hand that worked at Toho studios in Japan. He was a hulking guy that they nick named Gojira, part gorilla and part whale. He was very humble and never came forward to verfy that when approached by the media. Gojira got anglocized and Godzilla happened.
Unknown "sexy" Ferocious
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
I am, now, cinematically 54 years old on screen and my Japanese caretakers still snicker at my propensity for attracting huge numbers of cultish followers, yet, they understand that the message has not deluted over the years.
Unknown "sexy" Ferocious
- 16 years, 10 months, 24 days ago
I suppose you could say i was first sighted in 1954 in Japan. I was actually millions of years older at the time but hydrogen weapons testing in those waters led to my mutation and i was awakened from my slumber after a glacial melt. since then, my iconic presence has been used as a warning of man's appetite to destroy nature.
Unknown "sexy" Ferocious
- 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago